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holypalooza Offline

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04.07.2003 09:22
#91 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

...die Wings brauchen vieles, aber ob sie es auch bekommen, steht auf einem anderen Blatt!!

Wenn das so weiter geht hier werd ich noch zum Wings-Anhänger!

Méschda Hoschbess holy a.k.a. Rosebud ...und nichts ist wie es scheint!!

Brawls. Blood. Mayhem. Philly style. You want it - we got it!

newcoming tough enforcers: --> Leafs-Fans können hier klicken!!
Garrett Burnett HFD GP 62, G 6, A 1, P 7, Pim´s 346
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Darcy Verot SJN GP73, G 5, A 11, P 16, Pim´s 299

Doc Shaijtan Offline

Left Wing 5. Reihe

Beiträge: 5.282

04.07.2003 09:25
#92 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

Schöner Artikel über die Neuzugänge von Wings und Avs:


DETROIT -- Well now, this is getting interesting, isn't it? As Derian Hatcher slid on a Red Wings jersey Thursday, the face of a renowned team and a renowned rivalry immediately began to change.

A short while later, a long distance away, high-scoring Paul Kariya and Teemu Selanne were introduced as the newest members of the Colorado Avalanche. By my math, the Wings are now on the clock, and their next move likely will come Monday, when Dominik Hasek is expected to make his return official, and the goalie shuffle begins.

Yes folks, it's back on. The Wings and Colorado, who didn't meet in the playoffs because they were busy getting stunned by upstarts, have taken their skirmish into the off-season. The Wings almost always get their man, and Hatcher is a tremendous addition. The thing is, the Avs always get their men, too.

Perfect. In the ever-evolving roles, the Wings just went from red Ferrari to rugged SUV. Sergei Fedorov peeled out in a whiff of smoke, and the bruising Hatcher rolled in. Both were big statements, as big as Colorado's statements -- losing Patrick Roy to retirement; adding Kariya and Selanne -- and as big as this statement: The Wings, now tougher than Colorado and anybody else in the West, still have to prove they're better.

"Yeah, I saw what they did," owner Mike Ilitch said of the Avs. "I'm gonna give it a lot of thought, how we should handle this, how much more we should do."

Among the options Ilitch is weighing is a last-last-last-ditch phone call to Fedorov, who hasn't officially repeated what his agent said, that he's done in Detroit. It still appears to be a lost cause, and Ilitch seemed genuinely hurt that Fedorov didn't give the Wings a final shot to sign him.

General Manager Ken Holland also said the appropriate things, that the phone line is open for Fedorov, although he didn't expect a call. It's all about the heat of competition at the highest level. In Colorado, they're privately pining for Roy to change his mind. Unproven Dave Aebischer is their guy, right now.

Colorado GM Pierre Lacroix could alter that plan with the Wings' next move. I've said it before, I'll say it one more time. The Wings, who are very good on the wing but small at center, should talk to the Rangers about hulking Eric Lindros, who needs a place to resurrect his career.

Holland knows he needs another forward, possibly two, and he might get a decent one in a trade for Curtis Joseph. If not, Ilitch confirmed with a definitive "yes" that Hasek could be shopped.

Something more has to happen, because the way I see it right now, the Red Wings are collecting all the defensemen and all the goalies, while Colorado is collecting all the forwards.

"This probably puts a little extra life in the rivalry," Holland said, smiling. "There's a contrast in philosophies going on. They have the best offense in the league, and if Aebischer steps up, they're in great shape. If we get someone like Pavel Datsyuk or Henrik Zetterberg to step up, to go with the best defense in the league, we'll be there. Why can't we win games 2-1 or 1-0?"

Everyone saw New Jersey win the Stanley Cup with goaltending and defense. Everyone saw Anaheim succeed the same way. Maybe the Wings were pushed in this direction by Fedorov, but they're embracing it.

Hatcher saw it, too, which added to his excitement about coming here. I just hope there isn't an overreaction to the recent playoffs. The Wings, after all, won three Cups by being balanced, offensively and defensively. My guess is, they won't become New Jersey West. They'll find a way to balance the roster and score goals.

But it's hard to decide which is scarier. Is it Colorado's collection of forwards -- Peter Forsberg, Joe Sakic, Milan Hejduk, Kariya and Selanne? Or Detroit's defensemen -- Hatcher, Nicklas Lidstrom, Chris Chelios, Mathieu Schneider and Jiri Fischer?

This is another example of how sports are bettered by competition. Holland and the Wings are being pushed by Lacroix and the Avs, and vice-versa. Although he doesn't often display his competitive flair in baseball, Ilitch was letting it rip again with his hockey team.

"Nobody's going to mess with any of our forwards now," Ilitch said. "With (Brendan) Shanahan, (Darren) McCarty and Hatcher, forget it. Who's going to mess with one of our boys? ... I told Derian, we're going to win a couple of Cups with him."

Ah, words we like to hear. In a sudden flurry Thursday, big names started moving and big words started flowing. It was 90 degrees out, and at hockey's highest levels, it was getting even hotter.

If you can't beat em, at least beat'em up !
Norrie/Rich/Tasker/Verbeek/Lakos - Toledo Storm Fighting Brigade 2001

"We are team tough, and that includes our fans."- Toledo Storm GM Pat Pylypuik
"Toledo is nothing but a bunch of goons who would even mug the pope if he had skates on !" - Ein Dayton Bombers Fan

Uganda Propagandacrew

25.05.2003 - Back to where we belong to ! dabei !

Doc Shaijtan Offline

Left Wing 5. Reihe

Beiträge: 5.282

04.07.2003 10:26
#93 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

Column: Red Wings puzzled why Fedorov wants to bolt

Thursday, July 3, 2003

By Ansar Khan

DETROIT - In the end, Sergei Fedorov, through agent Pat Brisson, compared his departure from Detroit Wednesday to his 1990 escape from under the Communist regime in the former Soviet Union, saying he feels free.

Was it really that unbearable here?

In his 13 seasons with the Red Wings, Fedorov earned roughly $51 million in salary and millions more in bonuses and endorsements. A committed front office made sure he was surrounded by some of the most talented players in hockey. He was supported by a generous owner and idolized by legions of fans. He won three Stanley Cups. At one time he was offered $50 million to stay.

Who wouldn't want to be liberated from that misery?

Perhaps it was just a poor analogy by someone who doesn't have complete command of the language. But the truth in his statement is that Fedorov wasn't happy as a Wing and was destined to leave at the first opportunity.

And nobody knows why.

"I don't know what troubles him about us," Wings senior vice president Jimmy Devellano said. "We certainly don't have any guilty feelings in terms of how we treated him. We tried our (hardest) to keep him. He turned us down."

So what's the deep, dark secret that had Fedorov itching to bolt from the organization so many players are clamoring to join?

"I haven't got a clue," Wings general manager Ken Holland said. "Obviously they're unhappy about the money. Beyond that, Pat Brisson has never told me anything negative. All along he's been telling me Sergei's first priority is to sign with Detroit."

In hindsight, Wings owner Mike Ilitch erred by offering Fedorov a five-year, $50 million contract in November. It was too high a starting point and too much for someone who, despite his enormous talent, is not among the five most valuable players in the NHL.

Give Nicklas Lidtsrom $10 million a year and you'll never have to worry about his desire and dedication to be the best. Give Fedorov $10 million a year and you'll always wonder about his motivation.

Still, the incredible offer was there, and Fedorov made a huge mistake by not responding. He alienated the club. He overestimated his value. He failed to read the NHL's ever-changing economic climate. The Wings, who believe he's worth $8 million a year, had no choice but to reduce subsequent offers.

Fedorov was miffed, but this divorce wasn't about money. There must be other issues.

He was never close to his teammates, even the other Russians, but he wasn't loathed. His underachieving ways frustrated some teammates, who also realized his presence on the ice made them better players.

He feuded over ice time and his role with former coach Scotty Bowman, who grew tired of his inconsistencies and often implored management to trade him. He continued to complain about insufficient minutes under new coach Dave Lewis, even though statistics showed those gripes were unwarranted.

He has long wanted to escape the shadow of Steve Yzerman but surely realizes the captain has just one year left.

If he feels he was overscrutinized here certainly he realizes the focus will be twofold at his next stop.

So what's the problem?

"When they want to leave, God only knows what's in their heads," Devellano said. "It's hard to grasp what he thinks. I don't think we'll ever know. There might not even be a good reason."

Six years ago Fedorov was prepared to play for the dreadful Carolina Hurricanes, until the Wings matched a $38 million offer sheet.

"I don't really know if he ever felt comfortable because of the personal problems he had (divorce with Anna Kournikova)," Wings forward Darren McCarty said. "Maybe he wanted to go somewhere where he wouldn't be scrutinized as much, where he can be himself and do his own thing.

"Nobody ever knows what Sergei's really thinking."

Here's what most of the hockey world will be thinking if, as expected, Fedorov winds up signing for less money than the Wings' long-standing offer of four years at $40 million: You blew it.

In retrospect, the Wings should feel liberated. They were freed from having to pay a fortune to a player who, for whatever misguided reason, showed that Hockeytown isn't his kind of town.


Nice column !

If you can't beat em, at least beat'em up !
Norrie/Rich/Tasker/Verbeek/Lakos - Toledo Storm Fighting Brigade 2001

"We are team tough, and that includes our fans."- Toledo Storm GM Pat Pylypuik
"Toledo is nothing but a bunch of goons who would even mug the pope if he had skates on !" - Ein Dayton Bombers Fan

Uganda Propagandacrew

25.05.2003 - Back to where we belong to ! dabei !

Mr.Met Offline


Beiträge: 6.662

04.07.2003 10:28
#94 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

Ashar Khan - You rule!

Geiler Artikel!
Gruß Met

A former Coach about Harder: His character is as vast as the plains of Manitoba and runs as deep as the rich top soil of the western provinces where he was raised.

Doc Shaijtan Offline

Left Wing 5. Reihe

Beiträge: 5.282

04.07.2003 10:41
#95 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

Stevie Y.'s Approach zu Fedorov:

A few weeks ago, when Yzerman was on the Art & Greg show, he talked about how important it was for the Wings and Detroit to keep McCarty. About how he'd be missed by the guys if he left.
When asked about Fedorov, he said, "I don't talk with Fedorov about stuff like that. He's replaceable."

If you can't beat em, at least beat'em up !
Norrie/Rich/Tasker/Verbeek/Lakos - Toledo Storm Fighting Brigade 2001

"We are team tough, and that includes our fans."- Toledo Storm GM Pat Pylypuik
"Toledo is nothing but a bunch of goons who would even mug the pope if he had skates on !" - Ein Dayton Bombers Fan

Uganda Propagandacrew

25.05.2003 - Back to where we belong to ! dabei !

Probie Offline


Beiträge: 4.010

04.07.2003 12:28
#96 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
He's replaceable."

Of course he is !! Time will show !

Patriotism is a pernicious, psychopathic form of idiocy.
-George Bernard Shaw-

Probie Offline


Beiträge: 4.010

04.07.2003 12:32
#97 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
Doug Weight ist 5 Jahre jünger als Nieuwendyk.
Doug Weight hat besseres Scoring Potential als Nieuwendyk.
Doug Weight spielt ein "grittier game" als Nieuwendyk.
Doug Weight identifiziert sich aufgrund seiner Herkunft ideal mit den Wings.

Sehe da nirgendwo auch nur einen Vorteil für Joe.

Verletzungsanfällig sind leider beide, insofern auch da kein Argument, was pro Nieuwendyk sprechen würde. Ausserdem hat Nieuwendyk mittlerweile genügend Ringe

In Antwort auf:
Doug Weight identifiziert sich aufgrund seiner Herkunft ideal mit den Wings.

Hmmmm..... Sehr cool ! Hatcher hat ebenfalls sein Identifikation betont - er ist in Detroit aufgewachsen. Yeah baby, hört sich nach einem "local team" an, very well . Bin gespannt wie ein Flitzebogen auf die neue Saison

Patriotism is a pernicious, psychopathic form of idiocy.
-George Bernard Shaw-

Stoner Offline

Forums Stevie Wonder

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04.07.2003 12:38
#98 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
I don't talk with Fedorov about stuff like that. He's replaceable."

Grosse Worte von einem grossen Spieler lässig ausgesprochen
National Forums League Champion 2002
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11PatLebeau Offline


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04.07.2003 12:42
#99 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

4.7.2003 Auch Detroit rüstet auf
(mm) Mit dem grössten Rivalen der Western-Conference Colorado haben gestern auch die Detroit Red Wings aufgerüstet. Der langjährige Dallas-Verteidiger Derian Hatcher (31) kehrt mit einem 30 Millionen Dollar teuren Fünfjahresvertrag in seine Heimat Detroit zurück und ergänzt die Defensiv-Abteilung um Nicklas Lidström und Chris Chelios. Für die Dallas Stars spielte Hatcher zwölf Saisons und war auch mehrere Jahre Captain.


Doc Shaijtan Offline

Left Wing 5. Reihe

Beiträge: 5.282

04.07.2003 12:45
#100 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
4.7.2003 Auch Detroit rüstet auf

Uuiiiii, sind die Schweizer wieder aktuell...

If you can't beat em, at least beat'em up !
Norrie/Rich/Tasker/Verbeek/Lakos - Toledo Storm Fighting Brigade 2001

"We are team tough, and that includes our fans."- Toledo Storm GM Pat Pylypuik
"Toledo is nothing but a bunch of goons who would even mug the pope if he had skates on !" - Ein Dayton Bombers Fan

Uganda Propagandacrew

25.05.2003 - Back to where we belong to ! dabei !

LB9 Offline

Harry Potter

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05.07.2003 13:36
#101 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen


DETROIT NEWS: Terry Foster reports the latest speculations has Sergei Fedorov in negotiations with the LA Kings and Carolina Hurricanes.

Spector's Note: My thanks to "Corey". Can't see Fedorov going to either club. The Kings have pled poverty for a while now and would look hypocritical in signing him after bashing the Rangers for overpaying free agents, while the Hurricanes management and ownership denied interest in Fedorov earlier this year.

TORONTO STAR: Ken Campbell reports the Anaheim Mighty Ducks might be close to a five-year deal with Fedorov worth $40 million US.

Spector's Note: My thanks to "BankerRW32". The only way I see the Ducks signing Fedorov is if he agrees to take less money than what the Wings were offering. The above deal would be several million less than what the Wings had offered and what Fedorov was seeking. Still, maybe the Ducks feel Fedorov is worth $10 mil per season?


Baphomet Offline

männliches Tratschweib
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07.07.2003 23:09
#102 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

Teenager Hudler signs with Red Wings

DETROIT (AP) -- Center Jiri Hudler signed a three-year contract with the Detroit Red Wings on Monday.
Financial terms were not released.
Hudler, 19, was drafted by Detroit with the 58th overall pick of last year's draft.
The 5-foot-9, 178-pound native of Olomouc, Czech Republic, spent last year with Vsetin HC of the Czech Republic Extraleague and AK Bars Kazan of the Russian Hockey League.



bigfoot49 Offline

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08.07.2003 09:32
#103 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

Monday, July 7

'Dominator' would give Detroit goalie glut


DETROIT -- The Detroit Red Wings are expected to learn Tuesday whether six-time Vezina Trophy winner Dominik Hasek will end his retirement and return to the NHL next season.

General manager Ken Holland will brief the media at 10:30 a.m. ET.

Hasek retired in June 2002 after winning an elusive Stanley Cup but has been contemplating retirement. The Red Wings last month picked up his $8 million option for the 2003-04 season, and coach Dave Lewis met with Hasek recently in Austria.

Detroit already has Curtis Joseph on the roster, and the veteran goalie has a no-trade clause in his contract. Red Wings owner Mike Ilitch said recently that the team would entertain trade proposals for Hasek and Joseph.

Nicknamed "The Dominator," Hasek spent just one season in Detroit, earning all six of his Vezina Trophies as best goalie and both Hart Trophies as league MVP with the Buffalo Sabres from 1992 to 2001. He owns a 288-189-80 record, 61 shutouts and a 2.23 goals-against average in 581 NHL games.

The 38-year-old Czech played as a forward last season in the Czech Inline Hockey League but was suspended for one year after a high-sticking incident that landed an opponent in the hospital.

In another move Monday, the Red Wings signed center Jiri Hudler, their 2002 second-round draft pick, to a three-year contract.

Financial terms were not disclosed for the 19-year-old Czech, who had 19 goals and 27 assists in 30 games last season for Vsetin in the Czech Elite League.

"Jiri is a very talented young player who has played on the Czech World Junior team and was the top scorer for Vsetin in the Czech men's league last season," Holland said. "It is time now for him to turn pro, and we're looking forward to his further development as a young hockey player in our organization."

romani-ite-domum Offline

soll heißen: Römer geht nach Hause

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08.07.2003 10:09
#104 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

Jiri Hudler zu den Wings,
das hört man gerne!
Vielleicht der zukünftige Federovnachvolger

btw. woher nehmen die eigentlich die ganze Kohle

bigfoot49 Offline

Titel gesucht

Beiträge: 11.081

08.07.2003 10:13
#105 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

Wieso... ist doch jetzt was freigeworden von der letzten Saison nach dem Abgang von Fedorov... bzw. denke ich, dass 10 Mio für ihn eingeplant waren und die jetzt frei werden...
Und wenn Hasek zurück kommt wird für Joseph wohl kein Platz mehr sein...

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