TSN.CA: reports retired Detroit Red Wings goaltender Dominik Hasek is seriously considering returning to the NHL, according to his agent, Rich Winter. He confirms Hasek has held several discussions with the Wings over the past several weeks, but "the Dominator" has yet to make a decision. TSN does quote another source as claiming Hasek's return is "almost a certainty". The Wings hold the option year rights on Hasek, meaning if they exercise that option, they'll have to consider either trading him or talking Curtis Joseph into waiving his no-trade clause. If they opt out, Hasek becomes an unrestricted free agent. One NHL GM called this scenario "Ken Holland's worst nightmare".
NEW YORK POST: Larry Brooks reports Hasek only wants to play for the Red Wings, meaning the club would have to trade Curtis Joseph. Brooks claims Cujo would be willing to waive his no-trade clause if he were to be dealt to the New York Rangers, who would be willing to accept the remaining two years on his contract. The Blueshirts would then peddle goalie Mike Dunham to either Vancouver, Philadelphia, Colorado or Boston.
Spector's Note: That's the second rumour (the Hatcher one being the first) that I dismissed as not happening that may now actually come true. What the heck is going on? The NHL world seems to be going topsy-turvy on ol' Spector! Anyway, there's no question that this is a difficult situation for the Wings if Hasek does decide to return to the NHL. The only NHL team that may be willing to pick up his salary would be the Wings arch-rivals, the Colorado Avalanche. The Flyers might be interested, but they're believed to have payroll concerns. As for Hasek, coming back is a mistake. He went out on top, winning the Cup and leaving everyone with a lasting memory of his greatness. What's to gain? Unless he needs the money. As for Brooks's report, well, the less said the better...
Dominik Hasek soll Kontakt zu seinem früheren Arbeitgeber Detroit Red Wings aufgenommen haben. Der 38 Jahre alte Eishockey-Goalie hatte seine Karriere eigentlich beendet.
Der frühere Eishockey-Startorhüter Dominik Hasek erwägt ein Comeback in der nordamerikanischen Profiliga NHL. Nach Angaben seines Managers Rich Winter hat der 38 Jahre alte Tscheche bereits Gespräche mit seinem ehemaligen Klub Detroit Red Wings über eine Rückkehr aufs Eis geführt. «Dominik hat in den letzten Wochen schon mehrmals Kontakt zu den Detroit Red Wings aufgenommen, und sie haben über die Möglichkeit eines Comebacks diskutiert. Ich glaube, er tendiert zu einer Rückkehr in die NHL», sagte Winter.
Wurde bei WM-Sieg zum Superstar
Hasek der beim Olympiasieg der Tschechen 1998 in Nagano zum Superstar aufgestiegen war, hatte seine NHL-Karriere nach dem Gewinn des Stanley Cups mit den Red Wings 2002 beendet. Detroit hält allerdings für die kommende Saison eine Option in Höhe von acht Millionen Dollar an dem Tschechen. Sollte der Klub die Option nicht ziehen, wäre der Olympiasieger von Nagano auf dem Transfermarkt frei verfügbar.
Als Nachfolger des einstigen Profis hatten die Red Wings im vergangenen Sommer Curtis Joseph für drei Jahre verpflichtet. Dessen Kontrakt beinhaltet eine Klausel, wonach er nicht innerhalb dieser Zeitspanne weiterverkauft werden kann.
Zuletzt war Hasek in die Schlagzeilen geraten, weil er bei einem Inline-Hockey-Match am 18. Mai einen Gegenspieler derart brutal attackiert hatte, dass dieser mit einem Nasenbeinbruch, Schädeltrauma und schweren Nackenwirbel-Prellungen ins Krankenhaus gebracht werden musste. Die Disziplinarkommission des tschechischen Inline-Hockeyverbandes (CAILH) sperrte Hasek daraufhin für zwölf Monate. (nz) http://www.netzeitung.de
In Antwort auf:NEW YORK POST: Larry Brooks reports Hasek only wants to play for the Red Wings, meaning the club would have to trade Curtis Joseph. Brooks claims Cujo would be willing to waive his no-trade clause if he were to be dealt to the New York Rangers, who would be willing to accept the remaining two years on his contract. The Blueshirts would then peddle goalie Mike Dunham to either Vancouver, Philadelphia, Colorado or Boston.
In Antwort auf: Russian club makes offer, but Datsyuk wants Wings
Nix gibts
Red Wings re-sign Datsyuk Center signs one-year, $1.5M contract
DETROIT, MI (LGW) -- The Detroit Red Wings made their first off-season signing Wednesday night, with Russia's Sport-Express reporting that Group II restricted free agent Pavel Datsyuk has signed a one-year, $1.5 million contract with the club.
The contract includes incentive clauses, including a scoring benchmark of 70pts. that will reportedly earn Datsyuk a $2 million bonus.
Datsyuk finished fifth in team scoring last season, amassing 12 goals and 51 points in 64 games.
DETROIT NEWS: Ted Kulfan reported yesterday that, regardless of what happens with the Red Wings attempts at re-signing impending UFAs Sergei Fedorov and Darren McCarty, the club is expected to make an offer for defenceman Derian Hatcher, himself a UFA as of July 1. Kulfan speculates the Wings might be able to afford both Fedorov and Hatcher if they don't re-sign McCarty, Igor Larionov and Jason Woolley, and expects the Philadelphia Flyers and Toronto Maple Leafs to also be interested in Hatcher.
Spector's Note: My thanks to "Stevie" for this one. As of this writing, it doesn't appear as though the Wings will have to worry about Fedorov as it appears likely they'll bid him farewell, which should make it easier to sign Hatcher, and possibly McCarty and Woolley. As for Larionov, enjoy your retirement!
Dominik Hasek- Red Wings picked up Hasek's $8 million option see the Dominator looking up!!!!
Darren McCarty signs a four year deal
Jason Woolley signs a two year deal.
If you can't beat em, at least beat'em up ! Norrie/Rich/Tasker/Verbeek/Lakos - Toledo Storm Fighting Brigade 2001 "We are team tough, and that includes our fans."- Toledo Storm GM Pat Pylypuik "Toledo is nothing but a bunch of goons who would even mug the pope if he had skates on !" - Ein Dayton Bombers Fan Uganda Propagandacrew 25.05.2003 - Back to where we belong to ! 6:3...live dabei !
In Antwort auf:Darren McCarty signs a four year deal
Hell yeah !! Könnte mir BigMac auch in keinem anderen Trikot vorstellen...
Wings re-sign McCarty, Woolley
By Matthew Schwartz
The Red Wings took care of two of their own just hours before the midnight deadline tonight as they announced the signing of potential unrestricted free agents Darren McCarty and defenseman Jason Woolley to multi-year contracts.
McCarty and Woolley are the first two of five prominent unrestricted free agents to be re-signed by the club. Another, captain Steve Yzerman, is expected to sign a one-year deal later this summer. Sergei Fedorov and Igor Larionov are expected to test the market.
McCarty signed a four-year contract worth $8.75 million.
Negotiations with Woolley heated up following Dmitri Bykov's signing with the Russian Elite League team Ak Bars Kazan. Bykov's deal, worth $1 million US tax-free, was more than what the Red Wings were willing to spend on the second-year defenseman.
Woolley's two-year contract is reportedly worth slightly less than the $1.25 million per season that Woolley earned last season.
TSN.CA: reported last night the Detroit Red Wings exercised their $8 million US option year for goaltender Dominik Hasek to prevent him from becoming an unrestricted free agent. Now the Wings must decide what to do about Curtis Joseph, who's set to make $16 million over the next two seasons and holds a no-trade clause. It's believed the Wings will try to move Cujo.
DETROIT FREE PRESS: Nicholas J. Cotsonika reports GM Ken Holland refused to speculate on any potential trade of Joseph, adding that it's unknown what's going to happen with Dominik Hasek, who has yet to make a firm committment toward returning to the Wings. If Hasek's opts to remain retired, he won't be paid the $8 million.
Spector's Note: Good luck finding takers for the over-rated, over-paid Joseph! The only way the Wings will move him is if they agree to "eat" part of Cujo's fat salary.
Red Wings ziehen Hasek's Option - Yzerman, Larionov und Fedorov Free-Agents - Vertrag für McCarty
Detroit, 1. Juli Der 1. Juli war vor allem in Detroit ein mit Spannung erwarteter und aufregender Tag. Die Fans in "Hockeytown" rätselten schon im Vorfeld lange wie der Club mit den vielen offenen Fragen umgehen wird. Kein leichtes Unterfangen für Manager Ken Holland, der die schwierige Aufgabe hat angesichts weniger Budget dennoch Stars und Fanlieblinge bei den Red Wings zu halten. Zumindest im Fall Darren McCarty ist ihm dies gelungen. Nur Stunden bevor er ein "unrestricted free agent" geworden wäre, unterschrieb der Außenstürmer einen neuen Vertrag. Damit ist zumindest die von den Fans geliebte "grind-line" wieder komplett vereinigt. Mit Kirk Maltby und Chris Draper bildet McCarty eine Sturmreihe, die für ihr physisches Spiel ligaweit bekannt ist und von den Fans in Detroit geliebt wird. Auch Verteidiger Jason Woolley wird zu den Red Wings zurückkehren.
Unklar ist dagegen nach wie vor die Zukunft von Ruheständler Dominik Hasek. Der einstige Startorhüter scheint zwar in Diskussionen über eine Rückkehr in die NHL, aber das letzte Wort ist noch lange nicht gesprochen. Vorsorglich haben die Red Wings ihre 8 Millionen Dollar Option auf Hasek für die nächste Spielzeit gezogen, so dass der tschechische Keeper nicht bei einem anderen NHL-Club unterschreiben kann. Sollte sich Hasek tatsächlich für eine Rückkehr entscheiden, bekommen die Red Wings allerdings ein Problem mit ihrem ebenfalls sehr teuren Torhüter Curtis Joseph, der zudem eine Klausel besitzt, dass er nicht getauscht werden darf.
Vorläufig keine Angebote zum 1. Juli erhielten dagegen Steve Yzerman, Sergei Fedorov und Igor Larionov. Noch ist völlig unklar wie es mit diesen drei Spielern weitergehen wird. Eine Rückkehr nach Detroit ist jedoch nicht ausgeschlossen, allerdings müssen dann die Verträge neu verhandelt werden http://www.hockeyweb.de
DETROIT -- Sergei Fedorov's agent said the high-scoring forward will not return to the Detroit Red Wings next season.
"We made it official today that Sergei is ready to move on," agent Pat Brisson said Wednesday.
Negotiations between the 33-year-old unrestricted free agent and the Red Wings did not progress in the days leading up to Monday's deadline before free agency.
Brisson said he has been talking to several teams he declined to identify.
"We're going to do what's necessary for him to be in the right environment,'' he said.
Brisson gave the news to Detroit general manager Ken Holland.
"I told him and we went over this ... and we're moving on,'' Brisson said.
Holland told the Detroit Free Press, "Obviously he was a great player for us for a lot of years. I thought we made tremendous offers. It's unfortunate that Pat and Sergei feel this way."
Fedorov spent his first 13 NHL seasons with the Red Wings. He scored 400 goals and added 554 assists.
Fedorov won the Hart Trophy as the league's most valuable player in 1994 and the Selke Trophy as the league's best defensive forward in 1994 and 1996.
"Sergei wird nächste Saison bei einem anderen Klub spielen"
München - Sergei Fedorovs Zeit bei den Detroit Red Wings ist nach 13 NHL-Spielzeiten definitiv vorbei. "Sergei wird nächste Saison bei einem anderen Klub spielen," sagte sein Berater Pat Brisson.
Fedorov, der in die Kategorie "Unrestricted Free Agent" fällt, konnte sich mit den Red Wings vor Öffnung des Transfermarktes nicht auf einen neuen Vertrag einigen. Insgesamt bestritt der 33-jährige Center 908 NHL-Spiele für das Team aus "Hockeytown" und sammelte dabei stolze 954 Punkte.
Weitere NHL-Stars auf dem "Unrestricted-Free-Agent-Markt" sind: Derian Hatcher (Dallas), Brian Leetch (Edmonton), Teemu Selanne (San Jose) und Paul Kariya (Anaheim).
Er kann überall hin. Nur nicht zu den Avs !!! Vielleicht holen ihn ja die Rangers -------------------------------------- Grüße Stoner National Forums League Champion 2002 FGOTH Osterchampion 2003 Ultraautonomer Paraguayaner