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08.05.2003 23:34
Philadelphia Flyers Thread geschlossen


PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: Tim Panaccio reports Flyers GM Bob Clarke must decide if he'll re-sign impending UFA defenceman Eric Desjardins or pursue Stars captain Derian Hatcher if he decides to test the UFA market. Panaccio cites sources close to Hatcher as claiming he wants to play for Ken Hitchcock, who coached Hatcher in Dallas. To free up room in the payroll for either guy, Clarke may have to decide between Chris Therien, Dimitri Yushkevich and Eric Weinrich as to which one becomes expendable.

PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS: Ed Moran also reported the Flyers might consider pursuing Derian Hatcher if he becomes a UFA this summer. Another potential free agent whom they might have interest in is winger Teemu Selanne. Moran also notes that, while Hitchcock and Flyers owner Ed Snider publicly supported goaltender Roman Cechmanek, the sensitive netminder may not appreciate being the target of the fans wrath, which might spark a change in goaltending before next season. Moran also listed players whose status with the team was uncertain (Claude Lapointe, Eric Weinrich, Michal Handzus and Marcus Ragnarsson) and those who will "probably be gone" before next season (Chris Therien, Joe Sacco, Todd Fedoruk, Donald Brashear and Marty Murray).

Spector's Note: My thanks to Dan Gereaghty for sending this in. Hatcher could be available, but I still don't believe the Stars will let him go. Thus, expect Desjardins to be re-signed. I'd say Therien is probably the odd man out on the Flyers blueline. As for dumping Brashear, I doubt Clarke will do that. "Brash" has become a fan favourite in Philly and is the club's "policeman". I also don't expect the Flyers to pursue Teemu Selanne. If the goal is to get younger, chasing another aging, expensive free agent won't be at the top of Clarke's "to-do" list.

Minnesota Wild vs Colorado Avalanche 4:3 (4:2/2:3/0:3/1:3/3:2/3:2/3:2)
Minnesota Wild vs Vancouver Canucks 3:3 (3:4/3:2/2:3/2:3/7:2/5:1)

Wild Goons - Fantasy Hockey League Champion 2002/2003

holypalooza Offline

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09.05.2003 09:13
#2 RE:Philadelphia Flyers Thread geschlossen

The Reality Of The Situation

Hitchcock will ask players to take on different roles in 2003-04

By Brian Marks,

Head Coach Ken Hitchcock did not waste anytime to speak on the state of his team and where he wants them to be come September. Just one day after being eliminated by the Ottawa Senators in the Eastern Conference Semifinals, Hitchcock spoke for well over an hour on the transition he needs from all of his players.

An interesting development at Tuesday’s locker clean out day was the damage Hitchcock’s team had suffered throughout the playoffs. The injury list was astonishing. It was amazing they even got as far as they did.

The list, already including the broken foot of Eric Desjardins, now featured Dmitry Yushkevich (separated shoulder, broken finger), Mark Recchi (shoulder injury), Jeremy Roenick (tricep injury), Michal Handzus (ankle injury), Marcus Ragnarsson (broken finger)and Claude Lapointe (thumb injury).

Even more glaring is that all of the injuries outside of the ones to Handzus and Lapointe occurred in the Toronto series.

Yushkevich’s play through pain with a separated shoulder and broken finger especially won over Hitchcock’s respect in a huge way.

“I’ve seen heroics,” Hitchcock said of his defenseman, “but I’ve never seen anything like that. He is one tough man.”

Yushkevich is one of a number of players who the Flyers will have to make a decision on in the off-season. Along with Yushkevich, Desjardins, Sami Kapanen, Lapointe and Joe Sacco will all be unrestricted free agents come July 1, meaning they are free to sign with any team.

While some turnover is expected, Hitchcock said Tuesday that the key to catching clubs like New Jersey and Ottawa is from within the players already in the franchise. And to take it a step farther, the head coach said that in his second year with the team, success is only going to come from within the mindset of the individual players themselves.

Some of the older players, Hitchcock said, would be taken out of scoring roles they have been accustomed to over their careers and be used primarily in third and fourth line checking situations. The younger guys would then be used in top line action and be asked for a much larger contribution in the hopes of reaching their potential.

“There’s a step that we obviously have to take to get to the top of the heap,” Hitchcock said. “A big factor in the next two and a half, three months is how well we develop our younger players. I don’t think, quite frankly, that we’re going to get much better with our older players. Our older players are what they are.

“The difference between Ottawa and a lot of teams now is that their players aren’t even 30 years of age yet. They are significant players in the prime of their career. Our catch up will come on the improvement of seven or eight of our younger players. These are the players that can improve and close the gap.”

Younger players that will use the off-season to continue to grow and improve are Simon Gagne, Justin Williams, Robert Esche, Kim Johnsson, Jim Vandermeer and Radovan Somik.

Hitchcock is meeting with players individually over the next several days. He said it is his and the coaching staff’s job to develop these kids to their potential. He will tell them of the added responsibility each have on the team.

“The younger players have to have a bigger bite,” he said. “If that means extra work in the summer, if that means bringing them back earlier late in the summer, those are things we’re going to have to look at.”

On the flip side, Hitchcock is also telling his veterans that less is more. While in Dallas, he got players such as Brett Hull, Mike Modano, Kirk Muller and Pat Verbeek to buy into the two-way philosophy that helped them eventually capture the Stanley Cup. He needs these players to play smart and make the right decisions on the ice.

As an example, Hitchcock used Keith Primeau as a veteran player who would have to continue evolving into the two-way skater who shuts down the opposition’s top players. While he began the season as the number-two center, Primeau became more of a shutdown center as the year went on. He will be asked to play that role almost entirely next season. Other players who have to sacrifice offensive production, Hitchcock said, are Recchi and John LeClair.

“There is a time in a player’s career when you get older that you have to accept less to get more value,” he said. “We’ve got some older players that we have to talk to that have to accept less on this team to move ahead. That’s the development of a team.

“I don’t think we can get a lot better and catch Ottawa if we continue to use players in the roles we finished the season with. Roles have to change a little bit.

“We can’t keep going down the same path and expect to have a different result. Reality bites when you have older players. They’re doing their best to just keep at the level they’re at. If you expect them to improve year-in and year-out, it doesn’t work like that. You have to deal in that reality.”

Hitchcock said those younger players will also have to take charge of the power play, still one of his biggest obstacles. The man advantage failed to score on the road in the postseason and at all in the Ottawa series. And all this after Hitchcock said it would be the easiest part of this team to fix when he arrived in Philadelphia about one year ago this week.

“That’s the statement I would like to take back. Could I have a mulligan on that?” Hitchcock asked reporters. “It’s an area that over the course of the summer that we have to take a hard look at. There are younger players that have top end talent that we need to work on developing.”

On another note, many have already cast their ballots on the future of Roman Cechmanek with this team. But Hitchcock said that the final decision with rest with Cechmanek himself. Can he make the adjustments to become a successful postseason goaltender?

“I think it’s really kind of in Roman’s court right now,” Hitchcock said. “He has to take a step back and evaluate his performance in the playoffs – just his own performance, not his team’s performance.

“I’m curious after a month or so when we talk next to see where he’s at on the learning curve, because I think what happened to Roman happens to a lot of goaltenders who are going through the mounting pressure of people watching and the goalie becoming the focal point of trying to win series’ against significant opponents. I think that he succumbed to that pressure.”

Hitchcock is not wasting any time on getting his team prepared for a transition that he hopes will lead him to the promise land. And if he can continue to get his players to buy into his beliefs – perhaps Hitchcock’s greatest feat – they will, at the very least, be pointed in the right direction.

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Méschda Hoschbess holy ...und nichts ist wie es scheint!!

Brawls. Blood. Mayhem. Philly style. You want it - we got it!

newcoming tough enforcers: --> Leafs-Fans können hier klicken!!
Garrett Burnett HFD GP 62, G 6, A 1, P 7, Pim´s 346
Peter Vandermeer PHI GP 77, G 5, A 8, P 13, Pim´s 335
Sean McMorrow ROC GP 64, G 0, A 1, P 1, Pim´s 315
Darcy Verot SJN GP73, G 5, A 11, P 16, Pim´s 299

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holypalooza Offline

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Beiträge: 11.626

09.05.2003 09:15
#3 RE:Philadelphia Flyers Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
and those who will "probably be gone" before next season (Chris Therien, Joe Sacco, Todd Fedoruk, Donald Brashear and Marty Murray) Leben nicht!! Brash hat sich dermaßen gesteigert dieses Jahr, auch was das Scoring anbetrifft, den lassen die net gehen (...das hat jetzt nichts mit Sympathie zu tun!!).

Allerdings wäre es um Fedoruk schade!! Wenn die Flyers dann evtl. Peter Vandermeer hochholen, würde ich allerdings nicht meckern!!

Méschda Hoschbess holy ...und nichts ist wie es scheint!!

Brawls. Blood. Mayhem. Philly style. You want it - we got it!

newcoming tough enforcers: --> Leafs-Fans können hier klicken!!
Garrett Burnett HFD GP 62, G 6, A 1, P 7, Pim´s 346
Peter Vandermeer PHI GP 77, G 5, A 8, P 13, Pim´s 335
Sean McMorrow ROC GP 64, G 0, A 1, P 1, Pim´s 315
Darcy Verot SJN GP73, G 5, A 11, P 16, Pim´s 299

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bigfoot49 Offline

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Beiträge: 11.081

09.05.2003 09:21
#4 RE:Philadelphia Flyers Thread geschlossen

Naja 6 Punkte mehr in 30 zusätzlichen Spielen gegenüber dem letzten Jahr sind nich wirklich viel mehr.... Ach und bei den Nucks hatte er in 79 Spielen schon mal 28 Pts.

First member of the "DELete(tm) und Tripcke gehört weg"-Circle
"Lernen ohne zu denken ist verlorene Arbeit. Denken ohne zu lernen ist gefährlich..."
Ich kann gar nicht soviel essen wie ich kotzen kann - gegen Tempobeschränkungen auf deutschen Autobahnen! Pro !
Im Blut hat er Stickstoff und im Gehirn einen Tank voller Benzin!
Staff-Member of EH.N

holypalooza Offline

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09.05.2003 09:29
#5 RE:Philadelphia Flyers Thread geschlossen

...aber seine spielerischen Elemente haben sich enorm verbessert; früher war er nur der Knüppler (...was mir persönlich natürlich viiiiiiiel besser gefallen hat) und mittlerweile hat er auch spielerisches Verständnis, im Taktischen Bereich z.B., das war man überhaupt nicht von ihm gewohnt!!

Sei es drum, er bleibt, fertig!!

Méschda Hoschbess holy ...und nichts ist wie es scheint!!

Brawls. Blood. Mayhem. Philly style. You want it - we got it!

newcoming tough enforcers: --> Leafs-Fans können hier klicken!!
Garrett Burnett HFD GP 62, G 6, A 1, P 7, Pim´s 346
Peter Vandermeer PHI GP 77, G 5, A 8, P 13, Pim´s 335
Sean McMorrow ROC GP 64, G 0, A 1, P 1, Pim´s 315
Darcy Verot SJN GP73, G 5, A 11, P 16, Pim´s 299

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Shark Offline


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09.05.2003 09:29
#6 RE:Philadelphia Flyers Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
hose who will "probably be gone" before next season (Chris Therien, Joe Sacco, Todd Fedoruk, Donald Brashear and Marty Murray ).

her mit ihm..

holypalooza Offline

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Beiträge: 11.626

09.05.2003 17:02
#7 RE:Philadelphia Flyers Thread geschlossen

Phil Sheridan | Hitchcock's logical plan may not be enforceable
High-paid goal scorers, no matter their age, want to stay that way.

By Phil Sheridan
Inquirer Columnist

Forget the money.
That's what Ken Hitchcock plans to ask his players, his bosses, and his team's fans to do. Player salaries have drawn more attention as they've ballooned into lottery-winner totals, but Hitchcock doesn't care about that. Forget that John LeClair makes $9 million a year and that Mark Recchi and Keith Primeau are pulling down $5 million each.

"Drop the money and let's make a team," Hitchcock said yesterday.

He didn't mean the players should expect their salaries to drop. For better or worse, and mostly for worse, the Flyers are on the hook for a bunch of guaranteed contracts for downside-of-their-career players. LeClair will make $27 million over the next three years, unless labor Armageddon comes to the league and changes things.

No, Hitchcock plans to ask LeClair to become a $9-million-a-year mucker. He wants Primeau, the team captain, and Recchi to focus more on playing defense than on scoring goals.

"Keith Primeau is a perfect example," Hitchcock said. "He started the season as our No. 2 [center] and became our No. 3. He can help us improve by moving into a shut-down role. It's not the role he started the season in, but he did it when asked. Recchi is a smart player, too. He could do that."

Sounds simple, right? These players make a lot of money, so they should do whatever the coach wants them to do, right? No problem.

There may be a planet on which that would be true, but it sure isn't this one. In the NHL, as in any other league, there is a pecking order, and players are keenly aware of their place in it. Goal scorers are the stars, and scoring goals is what makes you rich.

But Hitchcock unveiled his plan yesterday with the same earnest, committed tone he uses all the time. After a full season with this team, and a postseason that started off with promise and ended badly, Hitchcock has a pretty good sense of the cards in his hand. Now he plans to play that hand, and he'll start by meeting with each player over the next few days.

"We've closed the gap since October," Hitchcock said. "But we've maxed out. You can't ask a player at a certain point in his career to improve. He is what he is. If you get as good a year out of him next year, you're doing well."

The Flyers' core group - Primeau, LeClair, Recchi and Jeremy Roenick - are all at or past that "certain point" in their careers. They are not going to improve. They are not going to revert and play as they did in their primes.

For this team to improve, Hitchcock said, some of the veterans are going to have to accept new roles.

"Not a lesser role," he said, "but a different role."

That's in the eye of the beholder, though. The coach is talking about a total flip-flop of how things have been done so far. He wants young players like Justin Williams and Simon Gagne to become the focal points on the power play, to get the prime playing time. He wants the older, downside guys to check the opponent's top line and accept fewer minutes.

"We're building a team here," Hitchcock said. "That means you check your ego at the door."

It also means that Flyers chairman Ed Snider and general manager Bob Clarke accept that they're paying millions in salary to role players. It also means that fans look at Primeau and accept that he's very good at what Hitchcock asks him to do, rather than ask why a $5-million-a-year guy never scores any postseason goals.

The coach is talking about a major shift in the way that players think about themselves, that management thinks about value, and that fans think about the players.

It's just crazy enough that it might work.

Primeau almost became emotional yesterday when asked about his future. His voice cracked just a little and his eyes moistened. He said he drove home from the team's season-ending, 5-1 loss to Ottawa on Monday night, thinking about the team and his place on it.

"I want to be here," Primeau said. "I love it here. I think we're heading in the right direction."

Defenseman Eric Desjardins can be an unrestricted free agent this summer. His first choice is to return to Philadelphia.

"I want to win," he said, "and I believe the best chance to win is right here. I like the way things are done here, now. There is a team concept here and everybody buys into it. That's how I believe you win."

The players may have a point. One reason the Flyers have been such a disappointment for so many years is the constant change. Clarke's tenure has been defined by coaches hired and fired, players traded and reacquired, lack of continuity at goaltender, and on and on.

There will be change this year, to be sure. Hitchcock talked about what Roman Cechmanek must do to prove he's this team's future at goaltender. And there will surely be some opportunities to make trades and add free agents.

But Hitchcock restricted himself yesterday to dealing with the 29 players he considers Flyers right now. With coaching, he said, this team can make significant improvement, even without major changes. All it will take is for the young players to step up while some very wealthy veterans step aside. You can bet that the ones who don't step aside willingly will not be around come training camp.

The forecast calls for a very hot summer in Voorhees.

Méschda Hoschbess holy ...und nichts ist wie es scheint!!

Brawls. Blood. Mayhem. Philly style. You want it - we got it!

newcoming tough enforcers: --> Leafs-Fans können hier klicken!!
Garrett Burnett HFD GP 62, G 6, A 1, P 7, Pim´s 346
Peter Vandermeer PHI GP 77, G 5, A 8, P 13, Pim´s 335
Sean McMorrow ROC GP 64, G 0, A 1, P 1, Pim´s 315
Darcy Verot SJN GP73, G 5, A 11, P 16, Pim´s 299

Unbefriedigte Prostituierte

holypalooza Offline

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Beiträge: 11.626

13.05.2003 09:17
#8 RE:Philadelphia Flyers Thread geschlossen

Monday, May 12

GM Clarke: I don't think he wants to come back

VOORHEES, N.J. -- Flyers goaltender Roman Cechmanek probably will not return to the team following a disappointing finish in the playoffs.

"I think it'll be very difficult to bring Roman back,'' general manager Bob Clarke said Monday. "I don't think he wants to come back. I think he feels it's not a good place for him.''

Cechmanek signed a three-year contract extension worth $3 million a season in January 2002. Clarke said he'll try to trade the 32-year-old player.

Cechmanek already has returned to his native Czech Republic for the summer, and Clarke isn't sure if the goalie still wants to play in the NHL.

Clarke said the Flyers will pursue a new goaltender through a trade or free agency. Clarke expects backup Robert Esche to be a starter in the league, but isn't certain the 25-year-old goalie is ready.

Cechmanek was 33-15-10 with a 1.83 goals-against average in the regular season, helping the Flyers finish just one point behind first-place New Jersey in the Atlantic Division.

But Cechmanek played poorly in the final two games of Philadelphia's second-round series against Ottawa, allowing nine goals on 46 shots.

He has a 1.96 lifetime goals-against average in three seasons, lowest among goaltenders with at least 150 regular-season games since 1943-44.

"It's an interesting situation with Roman,'' Clarke said. "He's runner-up for the Vezina (Trophy) one year, he's tied for the lowest goals-against in the league and his save percentage is always good, but his playoffs have been inconsistent.

"He shuts a team out one night, but when you get down to the nitty gritty and you let a soft goal in, it takes a lot out of your team emotionally.''

Cechmanek, whose unconventional style sometimes left him vulnerable to rebounds, has been erratic since becoming the Flyers' starter in 2001.

In the 2003 playoffs, he won his first playoff series in three tries by shutting down Toronto, giving up only four goals in the last three games. In the Ottawa series, Cechmanek had two shutouts before the Flyers fell apart in the last two games, losing 5-2 and 5-1.

Fans booed Cechmanek after Mike Fisher's long slap shot slipped between his legs for a short-handed goal that gave the Senators a 2-0 lead in Game 6.

"I hear what people say. They hate me,'' Cechmanek said after the game. "I don't know why they hate me, hate our team. We do what we know.''

Méschda Hoschbess holy ...und nichts ist wie es scheint!!

Brawls. Blood. Mayhem. Philly style. You want it - we got it!

newcoming tough enforcers: --> Leafs-Fans können hier klicken!!
Garrett Burnett HFD GP 62, G 6, A 1, P 7, Pim´s 346
Peter Vandermeer PHI GP 77, G 5, A 8, P 13, Pim´s 335
Sean McMorrow ROC GP 64, G 0, A 1, P 1, Pim´s 315
Darcy Verot SJN GP73, G 5, A 11, P 16, Pim´s 299

holypalooza Offline

O.A.L. Member

Beiträge: 11.626

13.05.2003 09:39
#9 RE:Philadelphia Flyers Thread geschlossen

Clarke speaks to media on state of the team

It was a sunny and simple day in Voorhees, New Jersey, at the Flyers’ practice facility in the Sovereign Bank Flyers Skate Zone as President and General Manager Bob Clarke gave his state-of-the-team address on Monday. Among the list of topics included his forthcoming attempt to re-sign key players, his approval of Head Coach Ken Hitchcock’s youth movement for next season and also a possible dip into free agency.

But the big news on Monday came with Clarke’s admission that goaltender Roman Cechmanek would not be back with the team next year. The goalie had a three-year regular season record of 92-43-22 and a 1.96 goals-against average. His 20 career shutouts ranks second all-time in team history behind Bernie Parent.

Cechmanek’s downfall, however, was his inconsistency and lack of success in the playoffs. In three postseasons, the goalie won just one series and had an overall record of 9-14.

“I think it will be very difficult for Roman to come back,” Clarke said. “It’s an interesting situation with Roman. He’s runner up for the Vezina Trophy one year (2001), he’s tied for the lowest goals against in the league (2003), his save percentage is always good, but his playoffs have been inconsistent. He shuts a team out one night and then when you get down to the nitty-gritty and let a soft goal in, it takes so much out of your team."

From here, Clarke said the team will evaluate the progress of Robert Esche and check the market to see if they can upgrade the position. Timing, Clarke said, will be the key to knowing if Esche is ready to be the Flyers’ top goalie, using the example of Anaheim’s Jean-Sebastien Giguere.

“We’re pretty confident that Esche is going to be a number one goaltender if he keeps coming the way he is,” Clarke said. “I don’t know if he’s ready yet, but he’s going to be a good one.”

Until that time comes, Clarke said he is keeping the door open to find a starting netminder that is a fit with this organization.

“There may be teams just willing to swap goaltenders or put someone on waivers. We may do the same with Cechmanek. We don’t know yet. We know that some way or another, we’ve got to get another goaltender in here.”

Cechmanek has two years left on his current contract, which was signed last season. Clarke would not elaborate on which free agent goalies the team has its eye on because clubs hold their rights until July 1.

“There is a number of teams with goaltenders that may want to do something,” Clarke said.

In other news, Clarke agreed with Hitchcock’s assessment that the Flyers need to improve by giving larger roles to younger players. Clarke mentioned Simon Gagne, Justin Williams, Eric Chouinard and Radovan Somik all as players who have to carry more of the burden starting now.

“Some our younger players are going to have to take more ice time, more power play time,” he said. “Even though, at times in the season, it may hurt us, over the long haul, it’s the way we have to go.”

The team is going to try and sign free agents Eric Desjardins, Claude Lapointe and Sami Kapanen. Dmitry Yushkevich will not be re-signed, Clarke said. If they cannot re-sign their own players, they will look into available free agents on July 1.

“If we sign our own [players], we won’t go after anybody,” Clarke said. “If we’re not able to sign our own, we’ll have to evaluate it and see who’s available.”

The physical nature of the playoffs has three Flyers awaiting surgery - Desjardins, Marcus Ragnarsson and Todd Fedoruk. Desjardins and Ragnarsson will each have arthroscopic surgery on a knee and Fedoruk will have torn thumb ligaments repaired.

“Considering the seriousness of the injuries through the year and the playoffs, I think our team played really hard and played really good,” Clarke said. “The Toronto series was probably the most physical of any in the playoffs this year in the NHL. We came out of that fairly beat up.”

Clarke said the future is bright for the defensive unit that the team currently has and will have coming up through the system. Jim Vandermeer and Dennis Seidenberg both have proved that they can play at this level. Youngsters Joni Pitkanen and Jeff Woywitka are both close to being ready to play in the NHL. If they are not, they are expected to play with the Phantoms. Pitkanen still needs to be signed to a contract by the team before he is eligible to play.

“These aren’t just kids, these are top kids,” Clarke said of Pitkanen and Woywitka. “We may carry three young guys next year. We’d play two, have one as our seventh [defenseman] and rotate them around.”

One area that everyone wants improved is the power play. Easier said than done. Just as Hitchcock admitted that he would begin using different personnel to anchor the unit, Clarke also mentioned that players like Gagne and Chouinard will both have larger roles on the man advantage. He would also like to see the penalty killing improve. The re-signing of Lapointe could help a lot in that direction.

Expect some moves to happen this off-season. While this organization continues to mold a team that will be successful in the Eastern Conference, change is a must. Sometimes that means rotating the players within the organization into different roles. And sometimes that means going outside the organization. One thing is for sure - stay tuned. It will be interesting.

Monday, May 12, 2003

Méschda Hoschbess holy ...und nichts ist wie es scheint!!

Brawls. Blood. Mayhem. Philly style. You want it - we got it!

newcoming tough enforcers: --> Leafs-Fans können hier klicken!!
Garrett Burnett HFD GP 62, G 6, A 1, P 7, Pim´s 346
Peter Vandermeer PHI GP 77, G 5, A 8, P 13, Pim´s 335
Sean McMorrow ROC GP 64, G 0, A 1, P 1, Pim´s 315
Darcy Verot SJN GP73, G 5, A 11, P 16, Pim´s 299

Centurion Offline


Beiträge: 526

13.05.2003 11:52
#10 RE:Philadelphia Flyers Thread geschlossen

robert müller für philly ?

Brashear’s beating actually broke McCarthy’s helmet in half

gooni Offline


Beiträge: 4.274

13.05.2003 12:32
#11 RE:Philadelphia Flyers Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
Marty Murray ).

Auf jeden Fall ein Nethery Liebling

Jody Shelley and Jordin Tootoo will be dominating the goons world soon


bigfoot49 Offline

Titel gesucht

Beiträge: 11.081

13.05.2003 13:33
#12 RE:Philadelphia Flyers Thread geschlossen

Monday, May 12

GM Clarke: I don't think he wants to come back

Associated Press


VOORHEES, N.J. -- Flyers goaltender Roman Cechmanek probably will not return to the team following a disappointing finish in the playoffs.

"I think it'll be very difficult to bring Roman back,'' general manager Bob Clarke said Monday. "I don't think he wants to come back. I think he feels it's not a good place for him.''

Cechmanek signed a three-year contract extension worth $3 million a season in January 2002. Clarke said he'll try to trade the 32-year-old player.

Cechmanek already has returned to his native Czech Republic for the summer, and Clarke isn't sure if the goalie still wants to play in the NHL.

Clarke said the Flyers will pursue a new goaltender through a trade or free agency. Clarke expects backup Robert Esche to be a starter in the league, but isn't certain the 25-year-old goalie is ready.

Cechmanek was 33-15-10 with a 1.83 goals-against average in the regular season, helping the Flyers finish just one point behind first-place New Jersey in the Atlantic Division.

“ I hear what people say. They hate me. I don't know why they hate me, hate our team. We do what we know. ”
— Roman Cechmanek

But Cechmanek played poorly in the final two games of Philadelphia's second-round series against Ottawa, allowing nine goals on 46 shots.

He has a 1.96 lifetime goals-against average in three seasons, lowest among goaltenders with at least 150 regular-season games since 1943-44.

"It's an interesting situation with Roman,'' Clarke said. "He's runner-up for the Vezina (Trophy) one year, he's tied for the lowest goals-against in the league and his save percentage is always good, but his playoffs have been inconsistent.

"He shuts a team out one night, but when you get down to the nitty gritty and you let a soft goal in, it takes a lot out of your team emotionally.''

Cechmanek, whose unconventional style sometimes left him vulnerable to rebounds, has been erratic since becoming the Flyers' starter in 2001.

In the 2003 playoffs, he won his first playoff series in three tries by shutting down Toronto, giving up only four goals in the last three games. In the Ottawa series, Cechmanek had two shutouts before the Flyers fell apart in the last two games, losing 5-2 and 5-1.

Fans booed Cechmanek after Mike Fisher's long slap shot slipped between his legs for a short-handed goal that gave the Senators a 2-0 lead in Game 6.

"I hear what people say. They hate me,'' Cechmanek said after the game. "I don't know why they hate me, hate our team. We do what we know.''

Czechomania Offline

Colgate Zahnputzbieber

Beiträge: 3.970

13.05.2003 14:22
#13 RE:Philadelphia Flyers Thread geschlossen

Tja, das wars wohl mit Cechmanek in Phily ... mal schauen wo er hingeht. Vielleicht nach Mannheim

bigfoot49 Offline

Titel gesucht

Beiträge: 11.081

13.05.2003 14:23
#14 RE:Philadelphia Flyers Thread geschlossen

Wer wird dann in die NHL getradet? Hock und Molling????

Czechomania Offline

Colgate Zahnputzbieber

Beiträge: 3.970

13.05.2003 14:25
#15 RE:Philadelphia Flyers Thread geschlossen

Ich denk mal es gibt genügend Schuhputzer in Philly ... Die brauchen keine weiteren Immigranten die nix können

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