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08.07.2003 10:42
#106 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
Und wenn Hasek zurück kommt wird für Joseph wohl kein Platz mehr sein...

Nein, das Problem ist eher, einen Abnehmer für Joseph zu finden . Für nen zweiten Goalie ist er definitiv zu teuer und ausserdem hat man mit Legace einen, der gut genug ist.

...wird wohl darauf rauslaufen, dass die Wings einen Teil von Josephs Gehalt weiterbezahlen müssen, wenn sie ihn traden wollen. Es sei denn, man könnte ihn den Rangers irgentwie aufschwätzen...

Patriotism is a pernicious, psychopathic form of idiocy.
-George Bernard Shaw-

bigfoot49 Offline

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08.07.2003 10:43
#107 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

Die Rangers nehmen doch alles

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Beiträge: 4.010

08.07.2003 11:10
#108 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
Die Rangers nehmen doch alles

Das Problem ist, dass der gute CuJo eine No-Trade-Clause in seinem Vertrag hat. D.h. wenn er doch getradet werden soll, müsste er auf diese verzichten, also wird wohl nur ein Cup-Contender als Trade-Partner in Betracht kommen. Damit fallen die Rangers schonmal raus Es sei denn, CuJo steht auf New York....

Braucht ihr in Denver vielleicht noch nen Backup ? Ach nee, ihr habt ja nichts, was ihr dafür hergeben könntet, jedenfalls nichts, was von Interesse wäre...

Patriotism is a pernicious, psychopathic form of idiocy.
-George Bernard Shaw-

Chris Drury Offline

Der Getradete

Beiträge: 384

08.07.2003 11:20
#109 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
Ach nee, ihr habt ja nichts, was ihr dafür hergeben
könntet, jedenfalls nichts, was von Interesse wäre...



merkst du, wie den CHICKEN WINGS die muffe geht??? ganz klarer fall vom "pfeiffen im wald"!

es kommen schwere zeiten auf die tintenfischlover zu in der nächsten saison !!!


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08.07.2003 11:25
#110 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

Mir fällt spontan kein Name von euch ein, den ich gerne in unserem Team sehen würde...

...Drury ist ja nicht mehr bei euch, das wäre einer gewesen. Aber sonst.... no thanks !

Patriotism is a pernicious, psychopathic form of idiocy.
-George Bernard Shaw-

Stoner Offline

Forums Stevie Wonder

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08.07.2003 11:26
#111 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
es kommen schwere zeiten auf die tintenfischlover zu in der nächsten saison

Warum ????
National Forums League Champion 2002
FGOTH Osterchampion 2003
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Chris Drury Offline

Der Getradete

Beiträge: 384

08.07.2003 12:27
#112 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

@ stoner

du wirst schon sehen, WIE wir euch wegROCKEN werden! das ganze stinkende MOTOWN unter einer LAWINE blütenweissen schnees begraben!!! zittert und fürchtet euch und vor allem .... KAUFT GENÜGEND NETZE UND NE SCHEISSGROSSE NEUE ANZEIGETAFEL WO DIE GOALS DER AVALANCHE ALLE DRAUF PASSEN!!!

@ prob

ich weiss, ich weiss ... danke für die aber CHRIS würde sicher NIEMALS in detroit spielen wollen ... NIEMALS!

romani-ite-domum Offline

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08.07.2003 17:52
#113 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
Wieso... ist doch jetzt was freigeworden von der letzten Saison nach dem Abgang von Fedorov

Hatcher, Lidström, Cujo(Hasek), Chelios, Yzerman...

da stehen doch einige Hochkaräter mehr auf der Lohnliste als nur Federov (darauf bezog sich mein: woher die ganze Kohle)

Mit dem B-team alleine müsste man schon einen Division-Titel einstreichen können (sollte man zumindestens mit dem A-Team auch)

bigfoot49 Offline

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08.07.2003 19:21
#114 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

Tuesday, July 8

Hasek to play for Red Wings next season

Associated Press

DETROIT -- Dominik Hasek is coming back to the Red Wings, one year after he led them to a Stanley Cup title.

"I now feel that I have achieved a better balance in my life, and I have more to contribute to the game,'' the 38-year-old goalie said Tuesday. "My batteries are recharged, and I have the fire for competing for the Cup again.''

The Red Wings late last month exercised an $8 million option on Hasek, who retired a year ago and now lives in the Czech Republic. It wasn't clear until Tuesday whether Hasek would play this season.

His decision leaves Detroit with a pair of high-priced goaltenders.

Curtis Joseph, signed a year ago to replace Hasek, could be traded. He first would need to waive a no-trade clause in his contract.

"Ideally, as quickly as possible, I'd like to get a goaltender moved,'' general manager Ken Holland said Tuesday.

He added: "We're going to have to be creative with some other teams to try to put something together.''

Holland said he planned to talk later Tuesday to Joseph, a 14-year veteran who was signed as an unrestricted free agent last summer to a three-year, $24 million contract.

"My decision unfortunately affects other people. However my desire is to play with the Detroit Red Wings,'' Hasek said.

Hasek is a six-time Vezina Trophy winner as the NHL's best goalie, two-time Hart Trophy winner as the league's most valuable player and an Olympic gold medalist from the 1998 Nagano Olympics.

It's unclear how Hasek's situation could affect Detroit's bid to retain key veteran players that have yet to sign for the upcoming season.

If the Red Wings trade Joseph, they likely will have to pick up a portion of his $8 million salary next season, diminishing the cash available to pay other players.

Sergei Fedorov, Steve Yzerman and Igor Larionov are unrestricted free agents. And Detroit last week spent millions on free agent defenseman Derian Hatcher.

PS: Ok Römer verstanden
PPS: Nur wie zahlen die Verlierer aus Philly immer ihr Team...

bigfoot49 Offline

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Beiträge: 11.081

08.07.2003 19:29
#115 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

Der Dominator betritt wieder die NHL-Bühne [08.07.]

Nach einjähriger Pause kehrt Eishockey-Idol Dominik Hasek nun endgültig wieder in die NHL zurück. Bei den Detroit Red Wings soll der Keeper in der kommenden Saison als Nummer eins im Tor stehen.

(sid)- Die Zeit des Wartens hat ein Ende. In der bevorstehenden Saison der nordamerikanischen Profiliga (NHL) dürfen sich die Eishockey-Fans wieder auf das tschechische Eishockey-Idol Dominik Hasek freuen. Die Detroit Red Wings, mit denen der Weltklasse-Torwart 2002 den Stanley Cup geholt hatte, gaben am Montag Haseks Rückkehr für die kommende Saison bekannt.

"Dominator" soll Joseph verdrängen

"Ich freue mich darauf, wieder mit meinen Teamkollegen auf dem Eis zu stehen", erklärte der Olympiasieger von 1998, der als Keeper Nummer eins zur Mannschaft stoßen soll und damit den 36-Jährigen Curtis Joseph verdrängen würde. Die Rückkehr des "Dominators" nach einjähriger Pause hatte sich bereits angekündigt, als die Red Wings in der vergangenen Woche ihre acht Millionen Dollar teure Option auf den 38-Jährigen gezogen hatten.

Zuletzt hatte Hasek als Stürmer ein unrühmliches Gastspiel in der tschechischen Rollhockey-Liga gegeben. Dort war er im Mai wegen schwerer Körperverletzung für zwölf Monate gesperrt worden, nachdem er einen Gegenspieler brutal attackiert hatte und dieser mit einem Nasenbeinbruch, Schädeltrauma und schweren Nackenwirbel-Prellungen ins Krankenhaus gebracht werden musste.

holypalooza Offline

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08.07.2003 19:46
#116 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

...kurz und knapp:

Méschda Hoschbess holy a.k.a. Rosebud ...und nichts ist wie es scheint!!

Brawls. Blood. Mayhem. Philly style. You want it - we got it!

newcoming tough enforcers: --> Leafs-Fans können hier klicken!!
Garrett Burnett HFD GP 62, G 6, A 1, P 7, Pim´s 346
Peter Vandermeer PHI GP 77, G 5, A 8, P 13, Pim´s 335
Sean McMorrow ROC GP 64, G 0, A 1, P 1, Pim´s 315
Darcy Verot SJN GP73, G 5, A 11, P 16, Pim´s 299

holypalooza Offline

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08.07.2003 20:53
#117 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

He's baaaaack

Dominik Hasek has made it official. He's back in the NHL. Tuesday morning, the Detroit Red Wings announced the veteran goaltender has ended his one-year retirement and will return to the Detroit lineup for the 2003-04 season.'s Phil Coffey says the move leaves the Red Wings with an embarrassment of riches in the net, at least temporarily...

Dominik Hasek, one of the game's greatest goaltenders, ended his one-year retirement from the NHL Tuesday, rejoining the Detroit Red Wings in a move that has been expected for more than a week.

"I'm here to announce my return to hockey," said Hasek in a conference call Tuesday morning.

Hasek said that he caught the bug to return to the sport after watching this year's Stanley Cup Playoffs. Less than two weeks after the New Jersey Devils raised the Cup, Hasek told Detroit coach Dave Lewis of his intention to return during a face-to-face meeting in Austria on June 17. He has not, however, revealed how long his return will last, saying Tuesday that he can not look past this season -- the last of his current contract.

"My primary motivation is to get back to the game and compete again," Hasek said. "After I retired, I felt I was not hungry anymore. Now, I feel my fire is back. I want to compete -- even against my teammates in practice. I still feel I have something to contribute to the game."

Hasek's return creates an immediate logjam in Detroit's crease.

After Hasek, 38, announced his retirement in the days after the Red Wings' 2002 Stanley Cup championship, Detroit aggressively courted, and eventually signed, top-notch goalie Curtis Joseph to a three-year contract to serve as Hasek's replacement. The Wings also have Manny Legace, considered by many NHL observers to be the best backup goaltender in the business today.

The Red Wings last month picked up Hasek's $8 million option for the 2003-04 season, insuring that Hasek could not become an unrestricted free agent and sign with another team.

Joseph, meanwhile, has a no-trade clause in his contract, but there has been speculation that he might waive it to allow Detroit General Manager Ken Holland some flexibility in addressing the glut of goaltenders.

Last year, Joseph went 34-19-6 with a 2.49 goals-against average and five shutouts for the Red Wings, who finished second in the Western Conference standings. Things turned ugly for Joseph and the Wings in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Despite posting a 2.08 GAA, Joseph received heavy blame after the Wings were shockingly ousted in a four-game sweep by the seventh-seeded Mighty Ducks of Anaheim.

Holland said Tuesday that he has not spoken yet to Joseph, or the player's agent, Don Meehan, about waiving the no-trade clause.

"I plan on talking to Curtis this afternoon," Holland said. "I know that this has been a very difficult time for Curtis."

Despite that, Holland said he wants to address the situation as soon as possible, acknowledging it could become a distraction to the team if it is allowed to drag on throughout the summer.

"Obviously, ideally, I'd like to get something done as quickly as possible," Holland said. "But, that is easier said than done. I'm going to have to try to be creative with other teams to get something done."

Holland says he knows which goalie he plans to move, but will not make that decision public yet. Tuesday, Hasek reiterated that it is his intention to come back and play only for the Red Wings.

"I know about the situation with Cujo and his no-trade," Hasek said. "However, my desire is to play with the Detroit Red Wings. I want to play with the Red Wings and that is my goal."

Hasek, known as the "Dominator," originally decided to retire after winning the 2002 Stanley Cup, the only honor he had not earned during his brilliant 13 seasons in the NHL. In fact, he helped engineer a trade to Detroit, from Buffalo, in the summer before the 2001-02 season with the express purpose of improving his chance to get his name on the sport's most coveted trophy.

That plan worked to perfection as Hasek compiled a 41-15-8 during the 2001-02 regular season for the talent-laden Wings. In the postseason, Hasek went 16-7 with a stellar 1.86 goals-against average and a League-leading six shutouts as Detroit beat upstart Carolina in a five-game Finals for the franchise's third Cup in seven years.

Despite not playing goal at any level since his Cup-clinching Game 5 victory in 2002, Hasek insists he's ready to return to top form.

According to Hasek, the Stanley Cup was one defining moment of an already unforgettable NHL career, matching the Olympic gold medal he earned by leading the Czech Republic's brilliant run in the 1998 Winter Olympic Games in Nagano, Japan.

In fact, Hasek admitted Tuesday that he has not played goal in an ice-hockey game, at any level, since the Wings claimed the Cup in Game 5 against the Hurricanes. In the past year, Hasek says he has played as a defenseman once a week in a men's league and also played as a skater in an in-line league.

Despite the inactivity, Hasek believes he can return to his former level of greatness. He insists he has stayed physically active, playing tennis and soccer, as well as bike riding, on a regular basis. He says he is currently eight pounds lighter than his playing weight during the 2002 Playoffs.

"Of course, there are no guarantees," Hasek said. "But, I know how I feel when I play tennis and other sports. I feel, if I practice every day like I used to, I can play at the highest level like I used to. I want to be the Dominator like I used to be."

During his initial stint in North America, Hasek built a legend that will one day land him in the Hall of Fame. He was already an accomplished international goalie, starring in the Czech league, before joining the Chicago Blackhawks in 1990-91.

Hasek turned his unorthodox style into unparalleled individual success, mostly with the Buffalo Sabres, who traded for the goalie in 1992.

Hasek won the Vezina Trophy six times, including an especially dominant three-year run from 1997-99. He also copped the Hart Trophy, awarded to the League's Most Valuable Player, two times -- an almost unheard of feat for a goaltender. He has been named to the NHL's First All-Star Team six times and has played in six NHL All-Star Games.

Returning to the NHL for a second go-round, Hasek carries a 288-189-80 mark with a 2.23 GAA and 61 career shutouts.

Hasek rejoins a Detroit team that looks markedly different from the one he left.

Not only is Joseph, for now, sharing the crease, but defenseman Derian Hatcher -- a mainstay with the Dallas Stars for the last decade -- signed a free-agent deal last week to join the Wings. Detroit might also be missing Sergei Fedorov, their superstar center, who is an unrestricted free agent. Fedorov has hinted that he will sign elsewhere.

Still, Hasek is excited to return to his most recent stomping grounds.

"I'm excited about coming back and looking forward to playing and practicing with my teammates and being back in a red jersey," said Hasek.

Méschda Hoschbess holy a.k.a. Rosebud ...und nichts ist wie es scheint!!

Brawls. Blood. Mayhem. Philly style. You want it - we got it!

newcoming tough enforcers: --> Leafs-Fans können hier klicken!!
Garrett Burnett HFD GP 62, G 6, A 1, P 7, Pim´s 346
Peter Vandermeer PHI GP 77, G 5, A 8, P 13, Pim´s 335
Sean McMorrow ROC GP 64, G 0, A 1, P 1, Pim´s 315
Darcy Verot SJN GP73, G 5, A 11, P 16, Pim´s 299

Wes Walz Offline


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08.07.2003 22:17
#118 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

MAl eine Sache, für Detroit fände ich es auch ziemlich blöd Cujo zu traden, die sollen lieber Hasek traden, denn ich denke mal Hasek spielt nur noch ein Jahr und dann haben die Wings keinen Goalie mehr, ausser Legace, ausserdem hat Hasek ein Jahr nicht mehr auf diesem Level gespielt....

Also meiner Meinung nach sollten sie Hasek an einen "relativ schlechten" Konkurrenten traden...

Houston Aeros - Calder Cup Champion 2003
Lions Forum Playoff Tippspiel Champion 2003
Wild Goons - Fantasy Hockey League Champion 2002/2003

Probie Offline


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09.07.2003 11:09
#119 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
du wirst schon sehen, WIE wir euch wegROCKEN werden! das ganze stinkende MOTOWN unter einer LAWINE blütenweissen schnees begraben!!!

Hast wohl ein bissie zuviel Schnee abbekommen... Friedmann-like.

Aber ich kann dich beruhigen, Chris. Jeder weiss doch: Offence wins games, Defence wins championships. Also während wir in der Offence noch an der einen oder anderen Stelle Detailverbesserungen machen werden, guckt ihr euch lieber mal nach nem gescheiten Goalie um, sonst ist es ganz schnell vorbei mit eurer ach so tollen Firepower...

Patriotism is a pernicious, psychopathic form of idiocy.
-George Bernard Shaw-

Chris Drury Offline

Der Getradete

Beiträge: 384

09.07.2003 11:20
#120 RE:Detroit Red Wings Thread geschlossen

@ prob

dann einigen wir uns doch drauf, lieber GEILES hockey mit viielen toren sehen .. als NOCHMAL so ein scheiss CUP FINAL wie dieses jahr!

und ÜRBIGENS: BITTE KEINE VERGLEICHE MIT FRIEDMANN!!! DAS ist unter der gürtellinie! ich mag ja durchaus bescheuert sein, aber mich mit so ner "kreatur" zu vergleichen finde ICH für MICH ziemlich SCH...!!!

ansonsten darfst du natürlich immer wieder gerne auf mich "eindreschen!"

Gruss .. Chris

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