Hasek in-line incident under investigation TSN.ca Staff 10/30/2003 Dominik Hasek may still face charges for an alleged fight during an in-line roller hockey game last May in the Czech Republic which left one player unconscious and with a broken nose. Back in August, prosecutors decided not to proceed with charges in the case. However, the Czech news agency CTK reports the supreme Czech state attorney has overturned that decision, saying it was illegal. Marie Benesova has ordered a re-examination of the case. "The statement of facts of the case were not properly clarified and, in particular, not all evidence that could have been collected was collected," said a spokesperson for the state attorney's office. Hasek was fined the equivalent of $73 and suspended for one year after allegedly breaking his opponents nose and knocking him unconscious by repeatedly hitting him with his stick. The player remained in hospital for two days. Hasek was facing charges of grievous bodily harm which carries with it a jail term of up to eight years.
http://tsn.ca/nhl/news_story.asp?ID=58830&hubName= Dazu noch folgendes: As close as hockey will get to Kobe vs. Shaq this week is Dominik Hasek in an interview on Fox: "Everybody in the locker room hopes this problem will be solved. It would be better if (Curtis Joseph) could be the starting goalkeeper somewhere else." von http://sports.espn.go.com/nhl/powerranking
Ein tolles Statement! Der Mann hat Stil, oder? Genauso wie sein roter Imker-Helm! Ausserdem letzte Nacht nach vier Gegentoren bei dreizehn Schüssen ausgewechselt. Könnte sein, dass der "Dominator" dazu noch ein paar Spielzeiten aussetzen bzw. "sitzen" muss. Nix gegen die Red Wings, aber den Hasek fand' ich schon während seiner Zeit in Buffalo grausam. "I had about four or five goals in about 15 games and no penalty minutes and my coach [Dave King] said, 'You're going about this all wrong.' He told me to just go run this guy named Gretzky and you'll have a fight. It worked."
Und noch was: heute abend spielt CuJo! http://www.detnews.com/2003/wings/0310/30/g03-311697.htm ...da kommt bestimmt noch viel Spass auf in "Hockeytown"... "I had about four or five goals in about 15 games and no penalty minutes and my coach [Dave King] said, 'You're going about this all wrong.' He told me to just go run this guy named Gretzky and you'll have a fight. It worked."
Gestern wohl weniger & auch nicht heute nacht (healthy scratch)... Ich wünsche CuJo 'nen Shut-Out! Das Spiel gestern gegen die Blues gab's auch im AFN-TV; ich könnte mich in den A.... beissen, dass ich das nicht geglotzt habe! ICH MAG HASEK NICHT! "I had about four or five goals in about 15 games and no penalty minutes and my coach [Dave King] said, 'You're going about this all wrong.' He told me to just go run this guy named Gretzky and you'll have a fight. It worked."
In Antwort auf: Gestern wohl weniger & auch nicht heute nacht (healthy scratch)...
Naja. Würde mich da nicht zu früh freuen, dass Hasek heute aussetzt, war schon länger klar, und hat nichts mit der Leistung von gestern zu tun.
...langsam kann ich mich mit dem Überangebot an guten Goalies bei den Wings anfreunden. Zwar n bissie teuer auf Dauer, aber hat sportlich auch seine Vorteile
In Antwort auf: Ich wünsche CuJo 'nen Shut-Out!
Ich auch. Wie allen anderen Wings-Goalies übrigens auch
In Antwort auf: ICH MAG HASEK NICHT!
Das ändert aber nichts daran, dass Hasek n guter Goalie ist, der auch schon nen Ring um den Finger hat.
He scored a goal, added two assists and got the nod in a fight: a Gordie Howe hat trick
Cujo und Hasek sind einfach nicht mehr NHL tauglich ____________________________________________________________________________________ THREAD INTERESSANT = LESEN, KOMMENTIEREN ; THREAD NETT INTERESSANT = NETT LESEN, NETT KOMMENTIEREN. Helden leben lange, Legenden sterben nie.
For now, Curtis Joseph has re-established himself as the Detroit Red Wings' No. 1 goalie. That's because the clubs' real No. 1 stopper, Dominik Hasek, has suffered a groin injury and is listed as day-to-day.
Hasek is certain not to be in the lineup on Saturday when the Red Wings visit Edmonton. It remains to be seen whether he's available for games in Vancouver on Monday and Calgary on Tuesday, but it's quite possible Hasek won't be healthy enough to get a start until Nov. 8, when the Wings play host to Nashville in Detroit.
Joseph was in goalie for Detroit's 5-3 loss to Nashville Thursday night.
It remains to be seen how head coach Dave Lewis now employs the tandem of Joseph and Manny Legace, but it opens the door for Joseph to get a little more action and showcase himself to the league. Ultimately, though, the trading of Joseph will be determined by another club's need for a No. 1 netminder and, as of now, there's no market for Joseph or any No. 1 goalie.
Hasek apparently injured his groin in Wednesday's loss to St. Louis, a game in which the goalie was lifted in favour of Legace.
Ich sag's doch, das wird noch richtig spassig in "Hockeytown"- wahrscheinlich macht das Leuten wie Stevie Y., Shenahan oder Chelios auf ihre alten Tage noch mal richtig Freude, wie auf Eierschalen durch die Kabine latschen zu müssen, bevor Doofinik "Helmut Kohl spricht auch nicht schlechter Englisch" Hasek dann endlich auch CuJo bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit mit dem Schläger traktiert. Diagnose bei Hasek: "Morbus Englbrecht". "I had about four or five goals in about 15 games and no penalty minutes and my coach [Dave King] said, 'You're going about this all wrong.' He told me to just go run this guy named Gretzky and you'll have a fight. It worked."
Genau solange..... bis er sich beim Morning-Skate vorm Edmonton-Spiel verletzt hat. Auch ne coole Situation: Zwei 8 Millionen Goalies verletzt und Legace ist jetzt der Starter.... Naja, die Verletzung von CuJo ist wohl nicht so schlimm, denn er war trotzdem Backup beim Oilers-Game. Schaun mer mal, wie das Goalie-Spiel bei den Wings weitergeht...
He scored a goal, added two assists and got the nod in a fight: a Gordie Howe hat trick
Den Shut-Out hat er dann auch hingekriegt- nur ein Spiel später als von mir gewünscht.
"He's come to practice every day and played hard, hasn't said anything, and then he comes out tonight on a team he probably knows he isn't going to be on for very long and he gets them out of a bad slump," teammate Brett Hull said of Joseph. "You have to tip your hat to him." http://www.foxsports.com/content/view?contentId=1815898
Klar, dass Brett Hull seinen Hut vor CuJo zieht- schließlich hat der in seinem kleinen Finger noch mehr Klasse als Doofinik! Na ja, vielleicht können die Red Wings das Gitter von Haseks "Imker-Helm" wenigstens noch als Fischreuse für ihr Octopus-Ritual verwenden.
Ich mag Steve Thomas- Larionov ist ja jetzt weg, da kann man sich ruhig noch einen Mann in seinen Vierzigern leisten.
"I had about four or five goals in about 15 games and no penalty minutes and my coach [Dave King] said, 'You're going about this all wrong.' He told me to just go run this guy named Gretzky and you'll have a fight. It worked."