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bigfoot49 Offline

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Beiträge: 11.081

08.10.2003 19:31
Newsthread Saison 2003/04 Antworten

Auf gehts Leute...

Die neue Saison beginnt. Ab sofort dann hier wieder die News. Für jeden Spieltag gibts dann wieder den Thread.

Thx and have fun

bigfoot49 Offline

Titel gesucht

Beiträge: 11.081

08.10.2003 19:36
#2 RE:Newsthread Saison 2003/04 Antworten

08.10. Die NHL startet in die neue Saison. Und das mit einigen Überraschungen. Auf allen großen TV Sendern werden spezielle Werbe Spots ausgestrahlt in denen bekannte Stars der Unterhaltungsbranche Neueinsteigern die wichtigsten Regeln erklären. Darunter auch die aus Kanada stammende Sängerin Shania Twain. Weitere Spots gibt es mit Jim Belushi, Denis Leary, Kiefer Sutherland und Cuba Gooding Jr., wobei allerdings nicht alle zum Saisonbeginn gezeigt werden. Einige der Spots wurden für die Play Offs gemacht wurden. Alle Spots wurden von der NHL selbst produziert. + + + Eine weitere Werbeaktion gab es mit der bekannten Schauspielerin Whoopie Goldberg. In ihrer neuen Comedy Show "Whoopie" hatten die NHL Stars Scott Stevens, Scott Gomez und Jay Pandolfo vom Stanley Cup Sieger New Jersey Devils sowie Anson Carter und Darius Kasparaitis von den New York Rangers Gastaudftritte in der gestrigen Show. Die Hockeyspieler spielten sich in der Episode selbst, da es um den Besuch eines Spiels zwischen den Rangers und den Devils im Madison Square Garden ging. Die Show wird ausgestrahlt auf NBC und hat sehr hohe Einschaltquoten. + + + Das Gericht entsprach dem Wunsch von Dany Heatley an der Beerdigung von Dan Snyder teilnehmen zu dürfen und erlaubte dem 22-jährigen nach Kanada, Elmira zu reisen. Ferner planten die Atlanta Thrashers aufgrund der Geschehnisse ihr erstes Saisonspiel zu verschieben, aber die Familie Snyder wollte, dass alles nach Plan abläuft und das Spiel pünktlich beginnt. + + + Vor wenigen Tagen (05. Oktober) wurde Patrick Roy 38 Jahre alt. In einem Interview sagte er, dass er seine Entscheidung, seine Laufbahn zu beenden, nicht bereue. Er genießt sein "neues" Leben. Er fährt seine 10-jährige Tochter jeden Morgen zur Schule und geht dann zur Arbeit. Roy ist jetzt als Mitbesitzer und General Manager der Quebec Ramparts tätig. Er feierte seit 21 Jahren zum erstnmal wieder seinen Geburtstag in seiner Heimatstadt. Seit seinem Rücktritt lebt Roy mit seiner Frau Michele und den Kindern Jonathan, Frederick und Jana wieder in Quebec. Am 28. Oktober wird er sich aber mit seinen alten Teamkameraden treffen. Dann nämlich wird mit einer Zeremonie seine Rückennummer 33 unter das Hallendach gezogen. + + + Die Los Angeles Kings müssen zum Saisonauftakt auf die Stürmer Jason Allison, Adam Deadmarsh (Nachwirkungen ihrer Gehirnerschütterungen), die Verteidiger Aaron Miller, Brad Norton und Center Jared Aulin (alle drei verletzt) verzichten. Zudem wurde Verteidiger Maxim Kuznetsov intern gesperrt, weil er dem Trainingscamp ferngeblieben war. + + +

Den alten Offseason Thread finder ihr hier!!!


Häusle Bauer

Beiträge: 5.489

09.10.2003 18:36
#3 RE:Newsthread Saison 2003/04 Antworten

Havlat says he's going home Staff


With the Ottawa Senators preparing to pull their offer to free agent Martin Havlat off the table, the disgruntled restricted free agent has decided to take some steps of his own.

Havlat says he's disappointed at the way negotiations have been conducted with the Senators, adding he plans on returning to the Czech Republic until further notice.

"On Tuesday, at my request, my agents arranged a face to face meeting with The Ottawa Senators Management in the hope of completing a Contract so that I might join my teammates for the start of the season," he said in a prepared statement. "It was made clear to me by The Senators Management during this meeting based on their offer and other comments, they are not prepared to pay me anywhere near what other players with similar statistics are being paid around the league."

"I made a significant move to get a Contract completed before opening night. In fact the offer I submitted to the Senators would make me the 5th highest paid forward and the 9th highest paid player on the team."

"I was given an ultimatum to sign a Contract far below the League Average Salary which I cannot accept. I am not trying to establish a new market; I simply want to receive what I believe I am worth within the current market place as established by Philadelphia’s Simon Gagné and Tampa Bay’s Brad Richards."

Richards recently signed a three year deal with Tampa Bay which will pay him $2.4 million, $2.5 million and $4.35 million. Havlat's last counter offer to the Senators was for one year at $1.975-million. The Senators have offered $1.35-million.

Forum am 07.08.2002
Bei den Frankfurt Lions soll es in der nächsten Saison der Deutschen Eishockeyliga (DEL) wieder aufwärts gehen. \"Wir wollen endlich wieder mal einen Playoff-Platz erobern und unter die besten acht Teams kommen\", sagte Clubeigner Gerd Schröder.

bigfoot49 Offline

Titel gesucht

Beiträge: 11.081

11.10.2003 10:57
#4 RE:Newsthread Saison 2003/04 Antworten

11.10. Die Colorado Avalanche startete mit einem 5:0 Sieg über Chicago in die neue Saison. Die von allen erwartete Großoffensive funktionierte sehr gut, David Aebischer, von vielen als Schwachpunkt der Mannschaft gesehen, begann seine erste Saison als Nummer 1 gleich mit 31 Saves und einem Shutout. + + + Pittsburghs Supertalent Marc-Andre Fleury hat sich seinen Start in die NHL sicher anders vorgestellt. Er wurde mit 49 Schüssen eingedeckt und kassierte dabei 3 Treffer. Aber mit 46 Saves in seinem Debut war seine Leistung herrausragend. + + +

10.10. Die Atlanta Thrashers haben ihren ersten Saisonsieg dem gerade verstorbenen Mannschaftskamerd Dan Snyder gewidmet. Mit 2:1 schlugen sie die Blue Jackets. + + + Unerwartet große Probleme hatten die Red Wings in ihrem Auftaktspiel gegen die Kings. auf eigenem Eis kamen die Wings zu einem 3:2 Sieg. Dabei erzielte Steve Yzerman buchstäblich in letzter Sekunde den Siegtreffer. Die Kings spielten ohne Jason Allison, Adam Deadmarsh und Aaron Miller. + + + Jeff Hackett überzeugte in seinem Debüt für die Flyers mit 17 Saves und einem Shutout. 2:0 gewannen die Flyers gegen Buffalo. + + + Die Edmonton Oilers haben in einer Zeremonie, vor dem Spiel gegen die Sharks, mit der Nummer 31 die alte Rückennummer von Oilers Legende Grant Fuhr unter das Hallendach gezogen. Das Spiel gewannen die Oilers mit 5:2. + + + Martin Havlat wird in dieser Saison nicht mehr für die Ottawa Senators spielen. Er lehnte das letzte Angebot seines Vereins ab. Die Senators wollen nach wie vor seine Forderungen nicht erfüllen. Havlat kehrt in seine Heimat zurück und wird dort in der 1. Liga spielen. Das Angebot der Senators lag 1,35 Mio $ weit unter dem Ligadurchschnitt, der bei 1,75 Mio $ liegt. Havlat forderte zuletzt 1,975 Mio $. + + +

09.10. Die Saison hat begonnen. Mit Spielen in Boston, Dallas und Chicago wurde die neue Saison eröffnet. Die Dallas Stars verloren gleich in ihrem ersten Spiel Stürmer Jere Lehtinen. Nach einen Zusammenprall mit Jason Krog verletzte er sich an der Schulter und beendete das Spiel. Ob und wie lange er ausfallen wird ist noch nicht bekannt. + + + Flyers' Stürmer John LeClair brach sich im Training den Fuß und fällt für 2 - 4 Wochen aus. Zusätzlich fällt auch Keith Primeau mit einer Rippenverletzung aus. + + + Jarome Iginla ist der neue Kapitän der Calgary Flames. Er ist damit der erste Farbige in der NHL der das Kapitänsamt übernimmt. + + + Miroslav Satan wird im Oktober das Kapitänsamt bei den Buffalo Sabres bekleiden. Bei den Sabres wird es ein Rotationssystem geben. + + + Olli Jokinen ist der neue Kapitän der Florida Pathers. + + + Die Rangers müssen bis November auf Verteidiger Brian Leetch verzichten. Er brach sich vor drei Wochen bei einem Schlagschuss den Knöchel genau an der selben Stelle wie letztes Jahr. Die Heilung verläuft aber sehr schleppend. + + +

10.10.2003 Mike Keane zu den Vancouver Canucks
(si) Der dreifache Stanley-Cup-Sieger Mike Keane wechselt von den Colorado Avalanche, dem Verein von David Aebischer, zu den Vancouver Canucks. Der 36-jährige Kanadier absolvierte in seiner Karriere 1310 Spiele in der National Hockey League und verbuchte 194 Tore und 333 Assists.

LB9 Offline

Harry Potter

Beiträge: 7.531

11.10.2003 14:33
#5 RE:Newsthread Saison 2003/04 Antworten

Sturm hat sich Nase gebrochen, wird aber normal spielen



Häusle Bauer

Beiträge: 5.489

11.10.2003 14:46
#6 RE:Newsthread Saison 2003/04 Antworten

was ist normal?
Forum am 07.08.2002
Bei den Frankfurt Lions soll es in der nächsten Saison der Deutschen Eishockeyliga (DEL) wieder aufwärts gehen. \"Wir wollen endlich wieder mal einen Playoff-Platz erobern und unter die besten acht Teams kommen\", sagte Clubeigner Gerd Schröder.

LB9 Offline

Harry Potter

Beiträge: 7.531

11.10.2003 15:05
#7 RE:Newsthread Saison 2003/04 Antworten

Er wird net aussetzen oder kürzer treten


Probie Offline


Beiträge: 4.010

12.10.2003 21:57
#8 RE:Newsthread Saison 2003/04 Antworten

Havlat returns to Senators practice
Canadian Press


OTTAWA (CP) - A familiar face was back on the Corel Centre ice with the Ottawa Senators Sunday morning.

Martin Havlat made his return to the NHL team when he took part in his first practice since signing a new contract.

After months of strained negotiations, Havlat and the Senators management were finally able to come to terms on a one-year, $1.6-million US deal late Saturday afternoon.

Earlier this week, Havlat threatened to return to his native Czech Republic when it looked like a deal might not be completed.

It was agreed on just in time.

``I was at the airport with (my agent) Allan (Walsh) and then David (Schatia) called,'' Havlat said. ``We agreed with the deal and I think both sides were happy.''

Havlat looked ecstatic to be back with the Senators on Sunday. The 22-year-old was all smiles as he skated with a handful of his teammates.

He's not concerned about fitting back in.

``It's great to be on the ice with the guys and play hockey again,'' he said. ``Every year it's the same thing with a different player. It's over now and I'm happy to be back in the dressing room.''

Havlat will be even happier if he can be back in the Senators lineup later this week. The team is heading west out on a three-game western road trip with stops in Los Angeles, Anaheim and San Jose.

``I felt pretty good (on the ice),'' said Havlat. ``I didn't see the coaches so we'll go from there.''

Assistant coach Perry Pearn said that Havlat may play as early as Wednesday night in Los Angeles.

``The intention is (he'll play) unless we see something when he's skating and needs some time,'' Pearn said. ``He'll probably go right into the lineup.''

The Senators started the season 1-1 and will be looking to have a strong trip. Havlat, who had 24 goals and 59 points in 67 games last season, should help.

Havlat's teammates are glad that the two sides were able to come to terms and avoid a long holdout.

``We're pretty excited to see him and he's pretty excited to be back,'' said centre Mike Fisher. ``He just wants to play and it's nice they got the deal done.''

Notes: LW Todd White says his strained left shoulder is feeling stronger and is hopeful to be back in the lineup for Wednesday's game against the Kings ... Fisher says his right elbow is finally starting to feel better, but he doesn't expect to play on the Western road trip. ``Right now it's just a matter of not falling on it or taking any contact.''




Häusle Bauer

Beiträge: 5.489

12.10.2003 22:59
#9 RE:Newsthread Saison 2003/04 Antworten

Panthers' Biron placed on injured reserve

Oct. 12, 2003 wire reports

SUNRISE, Fla. -- Florida Panthers defenseman Mathieu Biron was placed on injured reserve Sunday because of a hand injury and is expected to be sidelined a week.

He was hurt in Saturday night's 1-1 tie against Boston.

Florida called up right wing Jaroslav Bednar from San Antonio of the AHL. Bednar had five goals and 13 assists in 52 games for the Panthers last season. He was sent down to San Antonio on Oct. 7.

The Associated Press News Service

Copyright 2003, The Associated Press, All Rights Reserved

Forum am 07.08.2002
Bei den Frankfurt Lions soll es in der nächsten Saison der Deutschen Eishockeyliga (DEL) wieder aufwärts gehen. \"Wir wollen endlich wieder mal einen Playoff-Platz erobern und unter die besten acht Teams kommen\", sagte Clubeigner Gerd Schröder.


Häusle Bauer

Beiträge: 5.489

12.10.2003 22:59
#10 RE:Newsthread Saison 2003/04 Antworten

Injured Bure hangs in but pays a price

By Michael Russo
Staff Writer
Posted October 12 2003

SUNRISE · In hindsight, Valeri Bure wishes he hadn't been so eager to play opening night.

The Panthers right wing, sidelined for the week before Thursday's opener with a pulled groin, opted to play against the Hurricanes. But he aggravated the injury early in the first period and did not pull himself from the game.
While Bure wound up assisting on Kristian Huselius' winning goal in the third period, he might have made the injury worse. He wasn't able to play Saturday against Boston and is listed as day-to-day.

He hopes to play Monday at Carolina, but he learned that it's not good to rush back if it means risking a lingering problem.

"After the first period, I asked [trainer Dave Boyer] to tape me because it was unbearable to play," Bure said. "After the second period, I was in even more pain and I asked Dave to tape me harder."

Coach Mike Keenan realized something was wrong when Bure had a chance for a breakaway in the second. Bure suddenly pulled up, fired a shot from outside the blue line and skated to the bench.

"I couldn't even go anywhere, so I figured I might as well put the puck on net," Bure said. "I came to the bench and Mike said, `Are you hurt?' I said, `Yeah.' He said, `Do you want to finish the game?' I said, `Yeah, I'll finish the game.'

"I think it was a little pathetic of me. I couldn't do anything, but I still wanted to be out there. It turned out pretty good because I set up the winner, but I'm disappointed right now."

Bure, who has missed 82 games with injuries the past two years, said he ignored the advice of his brother, Pavel, who is familiar with groin injuries. Pavel told Valeri to be cautious and skip Thursday's game. But Valeri said this is his first groin injury and didn't realize it's easy to aggravate if not given enough time to heal.

"I should have been smarter," Bure said. "I don't want to sit out any games, but now I'm back hurting a little bit. Now I don't know how long I should wait. We're going to try some different kind of tape. Treatment went real well with [strength and conditioning coach Chris Reichart on Friday and Saturday], so hopefully it'll be quick."

Ivan Novoseltsev replaced Bure in the lineup.

From ice to diamond

Finnish left wing Niklas Hagman went to Friday's Marlins-Cubs game with Byron Ritchie and Craig MacDonald. It was Hagman's first in-person look a baseball game. But MacDonald said they didn't have to spoon-feed Hagman the rules.

"He was the one who looked like he knew what he was doing," MacDonald said. "He had [Jay Bouwmeester's] baseball glove and had the towel hanging out the back of his pants."

Hagman said he could have caught a couple of balls thrown into the stands by the Marlins, but "there were little kids on either side of me. I didn't want to jump for the balls and hurt them."

Hagman was disappointed because the three had to leave in the sixth inning so they could get some sleep before Saturday's Bruins game.

"The game was pretty good," Hagman said. "It got even better after we left, so that kind of stunk. But it was fun to see how a ballgame works."

Michael Russo can be reached at

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Copyright © 2003, South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Forum am 07.08.2002
Bei den Frankfurt Lions soll es in der nächsten Saison der Deutschen Eishockeyliga (DEL) wieder aufwärts gehen. \"Wir wollen endlich wieder mal einen Playoff-Platz erobern und unter die besten acht Teams kommen\", sagte Clubeigner Gerd Schröder.


Häusle Bauer

Beiträge: 5.489

13.10.2003 10:31
#11 RE:Newsthread Saison 2003/04 Antworten


SUNRISE - Florida Panthers General Manager Rick Dudley announced Sunday that the Panthers have recalled RW Jaroslav Bednar from San Antonio (AHL). In addition, D Mathieu Biron has been placed on injured reserve after sustaining a hand injury in Saturday night's game against Boston. He is expected to be out about one week.

Bednar, 26, who was assigned to San Antonio on Oct. 7, has appeared in two games with the Rampage and recorded three points (2-1-3), including the game-winner in San Antonio's contest against Utah Saturday night.
Forum am 07.08.2002
Bei den Frankfurt Lions soll es in der nächsten Saison der Deutschen Eishockeyliga (DEL) wieder aufwärts gehen. \"Wir wollen endlich wieder mal einen Playoff-Platz erobern und unter die besten acht Teams kommen\", sagte Clubeigner Gerd Schröder.


Häusle Bauer

Beiträge: 5.489

13.10.2003 22:19
#12 RE:Newsthread Saison 2003/04 Antworten

Tonight's game: Panthers at Hurricanes

Posted October 13 2003

About the Panthers: Florida (1-0-1), coming off a 1-1 tie with Boston on Saturday, plays its first road game and looks to start unbeaten in three for the first time since 1999-2000. The Panthers beat Carolina in their home opener Thursday, 3-1. G Roberto Luongo will start. He has given up two goals in two games. Forwards Olli Jokinen, Viktor Kozlov and Niklas Hagman have points in their first two games. RW Valeri Bure (groin) and D Mathieu Biron (hand) are out.

About the Hurricanes: Carolina is coming off a 2-1 home-opening loss to New Jersey on Saturday, meaning last year's 30th-best team has lost eight in a row and is winless in 13 dating back to March 12. The Canes, who are 5-9-1 since 1999 in games following the Devils, have scored twice in their first two games, starting 0-2 for the first time since 1997-98. They've given up the first goal in both games after allowing the first goal in 50 of 82 last year. G Kevin Weekes will start. D Bob Boughner (broken hand) is out.

- Michael Russo

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Copyright © 2003, South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Forum am 07.08.2002
Bei den Frankfurt Lions soll es in der nächsten Saison der Deutschen Eishockeyliga (DEL) wieder aufwärts gehen. \"Wir wollen endlich wieder mal einen Playoff-Platz erobern und unter die besten acht Teams kommen\", sagte Clubeigner Gerd Schröder.

Probie Offline


Beiträge: 4.010

13.10.2003 22:22
#13 RE:Newsthread Saison 2003/04 Antworten

Ähm.... ich will dir ja nicht zu nahe treten, aber das hier ist der NHL Newsthread und kein Panthers-Preview-Thread...

"Und das Wort Terrorist lässt sich noch flexibler verwenden als das Wort Kommunist."
Susan Sontag

Madden Offline


Beiträge: 5.053

13.10.2003 23:15
#14 RE:Newsthread Saison 2003/04 Antworten

Senators: Neuer Vertrag für Havlat

Ottawa, 12. Oktober

Martin Havlat saß schon fast im Flieger zurück in die Tschechische Republik, als doch noch eine Einigung im Vertragsstreit mit den Ottawa Senators erzielt wurde. Der kanadische NHL-Club hat den 22-jährigen Flügelstürmer für ein Jahr unter Vertrag genommen. Genauere Konditionen sind noch nicht bekannt, aber es sind lukrative Zusatzverdienste enthalten, die an Havlats Leistung geknüpft sind. Havlat erzielte in der vergangenen Saison in 67 Spielen 24 Tore und 35 Vorlagen. (TS)


Mainpirat Offline

O.A.L. Member

Beiträge: 1.810

14.10.2003 14:17
#15 RE:Newsthread Saison 2003/04 Antworten

Blue Jackets unveil new third jersey

COLUMBUS, OHIO ( -- The Columbus Blue Jackets unveiled their new Third Jersey today during a ceremony at Nationwide Arena. Blue Jackets General Manager/Head Coach Doug MacLean, along with team captain defenseman Luke Richardson and two of the club's alternate captains - center Andrew Cassels and defenseman Darryl Sydor - were joined by Ohio First Lady Hope Taft and Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman at today's Columbus Day event.

At today's ceremony, the look of the jersey was unveiled on a 26-foot tall mural of Blue Jackets left wing Rick Nash that adorns the glass fagade above the main entrance on the east side of Nationwide Arena with Blue Jackets players Luke Richardson, Darryl Sydor and Andrew Cassels on hand in the new jerseys.
"The Blue Jackets are proud to represent the state of Ohio and its capital city of Columbus in the National Hockey League and we wanted our Third Jersey to reflect that," said Blue Jackets Majority Owner and Chairman John H. McConnell. "We also wanted a jersey that our fans will embrace and be excited about and I think we have accomplished both."

The majority of the jersey is blue, while the shoulders, sleeves and band at the bottom of the jersey are black complimented by red and white trim. Each sleeve also features three white stars. The jersey sports a red collar and celebrates the heritage of hockey with a traditional lace-up front reminiscent of the NHL's "Original Six" era.
The showcase element of the Third Jersey is a new logo inspired by the state flag of Ohio, with its unique pennant shape, red, white & blue colors and white stars, in the shape of the letter C. That image overlays the familiar Blue Jackets' star, which signifies Columbus as the state's capital. The official state flag of Ohio, called the Ohio burgee, is based upon the pennant used by the Ohio cavalry from 1862-65. Ohio's is the only American state flag that is not shaped in a rectangle.

Two additional logos  one familiar and one new  complete the team's new look. On the jersey's left shoulder is the team's primary "CBJ" ligature logo. On the right shoulder is a new mark that contains a blue Union Army cap that features two crossed hockey sticks. The cap, inspired by those worn by soldiers during the Civil War, lies on a red with white trim background surrounded by a blue with silver trim oval containing two stars anchoring the words "Columbus Blue Jackets."
The Blue Jackets name pays homage to Ohio's contributions to American history and the great pride and patriotism exhibited by its citizens, especially during the Civil War as both the state of Ohio and city of Columbus were significantly influential to the Union Army. Ohio contributed more of its population to the Union Army than any other state, while many of the uniforms worn by the Union Army were manufactured in Columbus.

"The look of this jersey captures the essence of the Blue Jackets name and celebrates the great heritage of hockey in an exciting, dynamic way," said Maclean. "To be able to unveil it today and have our players wear it for the first time tonight vs. the Vancouver Canucks on Columbus Day in the year Ohio celebrates its Bicentennial, is very special for our franchise and our fans."
Ohio's other major professional sports teams were involved as well as a video tribute to the Blue Jackets' "Tied & True" Third Jersey was played featuring forwards LeBron James and Darius Miles of the Cleveland Cavaliers, Cleveland Browns quarterback Kelly Holcomb, Cleveland Indians pitcher C.C. Sabathia, Cincinnati Reds first baseman Sean Casey, Cincinnati Bengals offensive lineman Willie Anderson, Columbus Crew forward Brian McBride and former Ohio State and current Columbus Destroyers (Arena Football League) Head Coach Earle Bruce.

The Blue Jackets home blue and road white jerseys will also incorporate the new logos as each will feature a patch of the Third Jersey's primary logo on the left shoulder and the Civil War cap logo on the right shoulder.
The Blue Jackets and National Hockey League, along with New York-based agency SME worked together for nearly a year and a half to develop the look of the club's Third Jersey in preparation its debut during the 2003-04 season, Columbus' fourth in the NHL. SME also designed the New York Rangers' alternate jersey featuring the Statue of Liberty icon and has worked with numerous other professional sports teams including the Atlanta Thrashers, Minnesota Wild, Seattle Mariners and New Jersey Nets.

The Blue Jackets' new Third Jersey will be available exclusively at The Blueline, the club's official team store, at Nationwide Arena, The Blueline kiosk located at Polaris Fashion Place, as well as the Blue Jackets Zones at the Chiller at Easton and Chiller in Dublin until October 23.
A number of promotional elements in the Central Ohio-area are tied to the Blue Jackets' new Third Jersey.

Beginning on Tuesday, fans can visit participating central Ohio Donatos locations and get a Blue Jackets T-Shirt featuring the new Third Jersey logo for just $4.99 with any purchase ($6.99 without purchase).
Beginning October 20, anyone who purchases a combo meal or any large drink at participating central Ohio Taco Bell locations will receive a limited edition cruiser cup featuring the Blue Jackets home schedule and the Third Jersey logo. While there, fans can register to win a trip to see the Blue Jackets and a screening of The Tonight Show in Los Angeles, an official Third Jersey jersey and other great prizes courtesy Taco Bell, Sierra Mist, the Columbus Blue Jackets and NBC 4 Columbus.

The Blue Jackets and Pepsi have teamed up to introduce the Pepsi collectible can series featuring Blue Jackets logos and the upcoming schedule. Scheduled to arrive this week, a five-can set of commemorative cans will be available at participating locations where Pepsi products are sold. In addition, 246 Pepsi drivers will be wearing the Third Jersey when they make deliveries to over 1,300 Central Ohio locations on Tuesday.

2003-04 Blue Jackets 19-Game Third Jersey Schedule (Was es nicht alles gibt in der guten alten NHL )

Oct. 13 vs. Vancouver
Oct. 18 at Nashville

Oct. 25 vs. Dallas
Nov. 9 vs. Calgary

Nov. 13 at Ottawa
Nov. 20 vs. Detroit

Nov. 29 vs. Washington
Dec. 10 vs. Philadelphia

Dec. 13 at Pittsburgh
Dec. 19 vs. Calgary

Dec. 31 vs. San Jose
Jan. 16 vs. Los Angeles

Jan. 27 vs. New Jersey
Feb. 12 at Toronto

Feb. 16 vs. Nashville
Feb. 25 vs. Chicago

Mar. 11 vs. Detroit
Mar. 26 vs. Anaheim

Apr. 2 vs. Colorado
Individual game and group tickets for Blue Jackets home games are on sale now at the Nationwide Arena Ticket Office, the Chiller at Easton and the Chiller in Dublin and all Ticketmaster ticket centers, by phone at (614) 431-3600 or online at and For information on PSL season tickets or group tickets, call (614) 246-PUCK or (800) NHL-COLS.

Alles Chef, alles Def, alles Routine...

John LeClair breaks down the left wing all alone, moves into the circle and cranks a wicked slap shot with zero hesitation. The baffled goaltender is left with no answers, just questions as the First Union Center's horn blazes and the crowd booms.

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