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Dieses Thema hat 44 Antworten
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Czechomania Offline

Colgate Zahnputzbieber

Beiträge: 3.970

11.05.2003 12:03
#31 RE:Der ultimative Tschechen Thread Thread geschlossen

Tucker Offline

Jocher Groupie

Beiträge: 3.192

11.05.2003 12:06
#32 RE:Der ultimative Tschechen Thread Thread geschlossen

no a co ted?

Czechomania Offline

Colgate Zahnputzbieber

Beiträge: 3.970

11.05.2003 12:07
#33 RE:Der ultimative Tschechen Thread Thread geschlossen

ja nevim ???

Tucker Offline

Jocher Groupie

Beiträge: 3.192

11.05.2003 12:07
#34 RE:Der ultimative Tschechen Thread Thread geschlossen

musim se spolehnout na Roberta abych dostala Karty....

Tucker Offline

Jocher Groupie

Beiträge: 3.192

11.05.2003 12:08
#35 RE:Der ultimative Tschechen Thread Thread geschlossen

Jenom jestli bude jeste hrat za Narodak to nevim...

Czechomania Offline

Colgate Zahnputzbieber

Beiträge: 3.970

11.05.2003 12:09
#36 RE:Der ultimative Tschechen Thread Thread geschlossen

Robert Reichel: Slováci do toho dali vìtší srdce! - (10.05.03)

(HELSINKY, od našeho zvláštního zpravodaje) Hodnì smutný byl po utkání o tøetí místo kapitán èeské reprezentace Robert Reichel. Na ledì nechal všechny síly, za všechno okolností bojoval do posledního dechu, ovšem podruhé v kariéøe se vrací ze svìtového šampionátu bez medaile. Poprvé se tak stalo v roce 1991, shodou okolností také ve Finsku. Od té doby zaznamenal nezdolný bojovník vynikající turnaje. Vyhrál olympiádu a tøi mistrovství svìta. Byl cítit v zápasech i v kabinì. Do Helsinek pøitom pùvodnì ani nemìl pøicestovat.

Loni v létì Reichel oznámil trenéru Lenerovi, a? s ním pro MS nepoèítá. "Tvrdil, že na tisíc procent nepøijede. Vypadalo to, jako by definitivnì skonèil s nároïákem. Jenže pak jsme se dostali do stavu nouze. Nemìli jsme nikoho, kdo by tým takhle vedl a hecoval. Robert to pochopil. Pøijel! Strašnì nám pomohl," øíká Slavomír Lener.

Reichel odvedl to, co pøedtím. Dával góly, burcoval kamarády, vedl mladší kolegy za spoleèným cílem. Že se k nìmu posléze nedobral, je jiná vìc. Jakmile nevyšlo semifinále s Kanadou, chtìl èeský tým za každou cenu uzmout aspoò bronz. "Øekl bych, že zaèátek utkání nebyl takový, jak jsme potøebovali. Oni vstøelili první gól, hráli výbornì dozadu, k nièemu nás v podstatì nepustili. Slováci vyhráli zaslouženì," tvrdí upøímnì.

Kapitán pøipomíná, že naši východní sousedi udìlali pro vítìzství víc. "Dali do toho vìtší srdce. My se snažili nìco s tím udìlat. Mohlo nám tam nìco spadnout, dvakrát jsme jejich náskok dohnali. Ale bohužel, hodnì šancí jsme nepromìnili," lituje Reichel. Jako jednu z hlavních pøíèin, že reprezentace skonèila až ètvrtá, považuje omlazený kádr bez vìtších mezinárodních zkušeností.

Na naší stranì bylo hodnì nováèkù. Tihle hráèi poznali poprvé atmosféru šampionátu. Pro pøíštì vìdí, že pro úspìch vyžaduje vìtší odhodlání. Že je do toho tøeba dát úplnì všechno," øíká. Reichel není zvyklý vracet se z mistrovství svìta bez cenného kovu. Teï ta chvíle nastala. "Aspoò poznám, jaké to je, koukat se na úspìch z druhé strany. Všichni to vidíme. Byli jsme blízko medaile, škoda. Z toho jsem samozøejmì zklamaný." Stejné vìty sdìlil spoluhráèùm po utkání v kabinì. "Øekl jsem jim, že když jsou tak blízko, musejí prostì udìlat víc."

Robert nehodlá nyní pøemýšlet o tom, co bude pøíští rok. Na jaøe 2004 poøádá šampionát Èeská republika. A Reichel v minulosti tvrdil, jak rád by poznal ještì jednou atmosféru mistrovství svìta doma. Poprvé to okusil pøed jedenácti lety. "Nikdo neví, co bude pøíštì. Jestli nìjaké pøíštì nastane. Bude záležet na zdraví i na tom, jak se vyvine play of v NHL. Opravdu tìžko plánovat. Na to teï nedokážu odpovìdìt."

Po skonèení zápasu o tøetí místo stáli èeští reprezentanti smutnì opøeni o hokejky a sledovali, jak se veselí hokejisté Slovenska. Tìm po duelu útìchy povìsili na krk bronzové medaile. To èekání trvalo snad deset minut. "Tehdy jsem si vzpomnìl, jaké to bývalo, když jsme ty medaile dostávali my. Je to úžasný pocit, na který nikdy nezapomenu. Rozhodnì mì nenapadlo, že bychom mìli z ledu odejít. To se nedìlá, není to fér. I prohrát je umìní."

Tucker Offline

Jocher Groupie

Beiträge: 3.192

11.05.2003 12:09
#37 RE:Der ultimative Tschechen Thread Thread geschlossen

Obránce Jirí Šlégr, který ukoncl angažmá v ruském Omsku, možná posílí pro novou sezonu CSKA Moskva. "Vedeme se Šlégrem a jeho agentem rozhovory, behem nìkolika dní budeme moudrejší,"rekl Valerij Gusin, generalní reditel moskevského klubu.

Tucker Offline

Jocher Groupie

Beiträge: 3.192

11.05.2003 12:11
#38 RE:Der ultimative Tschechen Thread Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
Robert Reichel: Slováci do toho dali vìtší srdce!

uz to tady jednou stoji

Czechomania Offline

Colgate Zahnputzbieber

Beiträge: 3.970

11.05.2003 12:14
#39 RE:Der ultimative Tschechen Thread Thread geschlossen

Šlégr do Frankfurtu ...

Tucker Offline

Jocher Groupie

Beiträge: 3.192

11.05.2003 12:16
#40 RE:Der ultimative Tschechen Thread Thread geschlossen

No to by byla BOMBA

Czechomania Offline

Colgate Zahnputzbieber

Beiträge: 3.970

11.05.2003 12:17
#41 RE:Der ultimative Tschechen Thread Thread geschlossen

Celebration and desolation

It's a party for Slovakia...

Following Slovakia's bronze medal win over the Czech Republic May 10, IHWC.NET interviewed players and coaches to get their thoughts and feelings on the latest episode in the great rivalry between the two Central European nations. The Slovaks were heading off to celebrate, while the Czechs were somber with thoughts of what might have been.

Frantisek Hossa, Head Coach, Slovakia: "It was a very difficult game because both of us lost hard games yesterday, and we both have excellent players. I'm very happy we managed to win. It was because of the discipline of the players. I think the point rankings really show this team's offensive ability. I have a contract for next year. See you in Ostrava!"

The Czechs will have to wait till next year

Branko Radivojevic, Slovakia: "This is always a big game for us when the Czechs play the Slovaks. It's like Finland and Sweden games. It was important for the people back home. It was a big win for us, huge. I am so happy to win the bronze medal. It is a good experience. Hopefully we can keep up how it's been the last couple of years, being good. We had to forget about that game against the Swedes. Obviously everybody was upset that we lost, but what can you do, you know? You have to regroup. That's what we did today. We came back and we won the game. I don't think there was a turning point in this game. It was really close until the end. When we scored that fourth goal, we knew that we could win. We had two power play goals tonight, and the power play's been huge for us all tournament. We had to be one of the best teams on the power play with the talent on this team. The penalty killing wasn't that great tonight, but we'll take it. We won. We scored two more goals."

The Slovaks are all smiles

Slavomir Lener, Head Coach, Czech Republic: "Slovakia deserved the medal the way they played. Before the tournament started, I honestly thought they had the ability to be even higher with the talent they brought. I was really disappointed with the loss against Canada. We spent a lot of energy in that game, which had a very big influence on tonight's game. We played Slovakia twice this tournament. Both games were very even. Slovakia has so much offensive power and they deserved the bronze. Before the tournament we said we would like to have a medal, but we needed one more win."

Robert Reichel, Czech Republic: "They played defense very well. We didn't have many chances. They were waiting for breaks and they got them. They played good defense the full 60 minutes. It's always big to play the Slovaks, but then again, it's the bronze medal game. It's something special. You never know when you'll get there again, but that's sport. It's the same for everybody in terms of the length of the tournament. They decided it in advance. It's good for fans because you have three playoff games and you bring people into the buildings. It's exciting. It's what people want."

Tomas Vokoun, Czech Republic: "It is tough to play for bronze instead of gold, but bronze is a medal. And we came here to get a medal. We were well-motivated but we just didn't get it. I think it's hard in a sense. You want to win. We wanted to beat them but it didn't happen. When you experience it, you know how it feels. It's terrible to stand there 10 minutes after the game while they're there receiving medals. We came here playing for two weeks, and we came up short. It's very disappointing. Every game there were always little things that decide the outcome, and here we scored the second goal to tie the game, and then they got their third goal. They just played smart defense. We weren't able to break their trap, even though we had some chances. They held on to their 3-2 lead most of the way. For me, it doesn't matter if we lose 1-0 or 5-1. A loss is a loss. In a game like this, you play for the win. We were trying to score and force overtime, but we couldn't. For me it's hard to not get a medal. I don't care who we would have had to beat out to get it. I didn't care if it was Slovakia or Sweden or whoever. You want to win the game because you want a medal. It's very simple and very painful when you lose a game like this."

David Vyborny, Czech Republic: "It's always tough to get motivated after losing a chance to go after the gold. We were looking forward to winning this game, but we made some mistakes on defense. The Slovaks have got a good team with good offense. They were a better team tonight. I don't know what happened with special teams. We were getting better every game with the power play but not with PK. Nobody knows why. I would like to know that! I think it was pretty tight here. It was 3-2 and then they made it 4-2 at the end. But it was a pretty good game. It probably hurt more losing to Slovakia. Our fans, they're going to be grumpy. It's a big rivalry, but what can you do? We did our best

Bine Offline

Spam Mod

Beiträge: 8.717

11.05.2003 14:13
#42 RE:Der ultimative Tschechen Thread Thread geschlossen

Edgar hat es gestern durch die Blume versucht, jetzt muß ich leider nochmal was dazu sagen.
Seid so nett und unterlasst bitte das posten in tschechisch. Postings, außer in deutsch und in englisch, sind in diesem Forum nicht gewünscht/erlaubt. Ich gehe stark davon aus, dass hier nichts verbotenes steht, aber wir können es nicht nachvollziehen.

Ich möchte diesen Thread nicht schliessen oder löschen, also seid so nett und schreibt in Deutsch weiter.

Usbekischer Pinguin-Club

holypalooza Offline

O.A.L. Member

Beiträge: 11.626

11.05.2003 15:31
#43 RE:Der ultimative Tschechen Thread Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
Postings, außer in deutsch und in englisch, sind in diesem Forum nicht gewünscht/erlaubt.
...hahaha, schlimm nur dass der Thread auch noch von einem Moderator eröffnet wurde!!

Méschda Hoschbess holy ...und nichts ist wie es scheint!!

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Tucker Offline

Jocher Groupie

Beiträge: 3.192

11.05.2003 15:40
#44 RE:Der ultimative Tschechen Thread Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
Ich möchte diesen Thread nicht schliessen oder löschen, also seid so nett und schreibt in Deutsch weiter.

Geht klar.... war ja au mehr oder weniger nur en Spässle...der kann auch geschlossen werden.

Tracy Offline


Beiträge: 4.605

12.05.2003 09:40
#45 RE:Der ultimative Tschechen Thread Thread geschlossen

mmmmmpmpppff mmmfmfmpf "Pmpmppppppppffm" mpmmmmpffmpf mffmmfmfp fmmmmfmfppffmppmffmmpmppppp ppfmpmmpppff? *mfm*

Orangeblossom Moss of Lake-by-Downs UNtherapierbares LUDER 5. Reihe

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